It's just the beginning of the battle.

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Ship 》 》 Jasico


The scream could be heard all around the battle field. Once the demigods found the source of it, they were all shocked. It was Nico di Angelo's scream, and he was dying. Will Solace himself, along with two other Apollo children, rush the boy to the infirmary, where Nico's love, Jason, follows.

Jason is scared, ashamed, and determined, and passionate all at once. Scared for Nico, ashamed he's not fighting selfishly with his friends while others around them die, determined to help Nico no matter what, and so in love with Nico that no matter what his feelings are he can't leave his side.

He follows the now 3 demigods up to the infirmary, and passing sickly demigods by as they make their way to an open bed. Will tells Jason to wait, drawing the curtains, and helping the boy. Jason couldn't even see what was wrong.

After about two minutes, Jason started losing his mind. His fear and worry grew to over 230%. He started pacing back and forth, sweating, on the verge of sobs, his body shaking. Others told him Nico will be okay, that he should go fight against the invading army of monsters; but he wouldn't be much help in this state. He needed Nico, he needed to see him, he needed to know he'll be okay, he needed it. Will draws the curtain a little, urging for Jason to come in, and leaves to help other patients.

Jason bolts in, and sees a sickly sight, one he never hoped to. He rushed to Nico's side and held his hand, even though he was asleep--or passed out, same difference. Nico's shirt was ripped off, a large cast/wrap around his stomach and chest, a large red blotch seeping through. He was stabbed, his Nico was stabbed, and nearly bled to death. He felt like crying. He brushed his glasses up his nose again, and took a deep breath.

Nico will be okay. he tells himself. Does he believe it?

He sits down on the mattress, hearing it creak slightly from years of usages. His hand still cupping Nico's, he uses his other to brush Nico's hair from his eyes. He kisses his cheek.

Nico's eyes flutter open, but only halfly. He whispers weakly and unevenly, "Jason . . . ?"

"Hey, Neeks, it's okay, I'm here." Jason speaks innocently. Nico turns his head to the side, then the other, crinkling his nose slightly; that's what he does when he's trying to avoid any pain, Jason knows and he hates it. Why does Nico have to feel the pain?

"You're okay," Jason assures. "You're good. You're good."

Nico nods, "I'm okay." His voice is hoarse, dry, but he's assuring Jason now. Nico's hand flies to his wound, his nose crinkles again.

Jason kisses his cheek, "It's just the beginning of the battle. Stay strong." Nico nods. He knows he has to keep going. He's okay.

Will steps near, and pours ambrosia in the boy's mouth. It's just the beginning of the battle. He's going to get better. He won't die. He won't. Just the beginning, but he'll keep pushing. He glances over at Jason, and reaches out for his hand. Jason takes it again. He'll keep pushing; for Jason.


Later that night, Nico dies. But he tried.

Jason fell to pieces, but he'll be okay. Nico knew he will be; because he is perfect. He is just the beginning. Nico's death, just the beginning.

The last thing Nico thought, was I love you, Jason.

Then the world got dark.

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