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Our first stop after Gringotts was Ollivanders, s small shop where, we were told were the finest wands in all Diagon Alley

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Our first stop after Gringotts was Ollivanders, s small shop where, we were told were the finest wands in all Diagon Alley. Hagrid said he had some business to attend to and that he find us once he was done. The two of us entered the empty shop. A bell hanging above the door rung, letting know whoever was inside that they had customers. The room smelt very strongly of dust and had a very warm feeling to it. Candles were lit along the walls and placed upon shelves, bringing a soft glow to the room.

A man emerged from the back of the shop, "hello there! I presume the two of you are in need of a wand."

"Yes sir."

The old man had a friendly sort of charm to him. He began looking along the shelves filled to the brim with small boxes you can only assume are home to the wands.

"From the look of his hair you would think he just shocked himself in an electrical socket." Avery whispers, making us both laugh which we quickly stifle as the man comes back, placing a box on the counter. We approach the counter and carefully taking the wand out it was presented it to Avery. She nervously takes the wand with the same caution Mr. Ollivander handled it with.

"Go on and give it a wave."

The attempt caused a entire shelf of wands to fall out of their place, sprawling all over the floor of the seemingly small shop. Though as you look around you see it goes further back, with what looks like a maze of shelves.

"Hm, well that one definitely will not do." The old man said with a chuckle, "now let's see here, ah yes! Elder wood, unicorn hair, 13 1/4 inches. My dear, why don't you give this one a try?"

Even more nervous after the first attempt, Avery gently waved the wand. Relighting a candle that had been blown out from a breeze which followed us through the door we entered. Avery smiles at the result and looks to Mr. Ollivander, waiting for a reaction.

"A young girl came into my shop several years ago, her wand shared a core from the very same unicorn that is in the wand you are holding now, that girl was your mother. The wand chooses the wizard Miss Fortescue, and this one belongs to you. Use it well."

"Now Miss Lupin, let me see here." The man is looking along the shelves again. "Why don't you give this one a try?"

I cautiously accept the wand being held out to me. This one didn't feel right.

With a small wave papers begin flying out of the files they were organized in. Once again making a mess of the otherwise organized shop. I quickly set the wand down on the counter, scared to make more of a mess. With a simple flick of the shop keeper's wand the papers began sorting themselves back into place and the mess looked as though it was never there.

"It is quite rare for a person to find their wand on the first try." The man made his way into the back of the shop, talking to himself as he looks among the shelves. "Here you are!" He sets a box down on the counter.

"Cypress wood, unicorn hair, 11 1/4 inches. Now go ahead, give it a try my dear!"

Before I could even think to wave the wand, a bright yellow light illuminates every corner of the room that was just moments before hidden in shadows. Just as quickly the room was filled with light, the room became dimly lit as it was before.

"Very interesting." The man said to himself.

"Excuse me sir, but what is interesting?"

"Only once before, a few years ago, had I seen a wand light up as yours did now. There was a very strong connection between the boy and the wand's core. Now you my dear have a connection as well, the wood from this wand is from the same tree that made your father's wand, and the core like your friends here, being from the same creature."

The thought did occur to me that my father could of been a wizard. I didn't think to ask anyone about him though.

"You knew who my mum was?" Avery questioned.

"Ah, yes! I did indeed. She came into my shop, a very bright and ambitious young witch. She, as I remember looked a lot like you do now."

"Do you know where she is now?"

"I'm afraid not my dear, she hasn't been into my shop since her time at Hogwarts."

I focused and just before giving the wand a wave it lit up from its tip. The dark shadows in the room all disappeared and instead, filled with a soft warm glow. This one felt right.

"That was incredible! I couldn't believe how you lit up the room!" Avery exclaimed, catching the attention of those passing by the doorway we stood in.

I couldn't believe it either. The moment it was placed in my hand it just felt so right.

Avery and I moved out the shops doorway and onto the busy sidewalk, stepping out in front of the family of gingers we had seen at The Leaky Cauldron.

"I'm sorry, excuse us."

"Don't be sorry!" A messy, black haired boy replied. He had a thin smile on his face. "I guess you've gotten your wands," he said, nodding to the bags in our hands. "Mr. Ollivander has the best! I got mine there my first year."

"That's nice!" I replied.

The family the boy was with continued their way up the sidewalk, leaving two boys and one girl talking to us. The girl had curly brown hair and the other boys' hair was a blazing orange, and looked like it hadn't been brushed.

"My name is Harry! And these are my friends, Ron and Hermione." The two of them said a friendly hello, the ginger giving an awkwardly cute wave.

"My name is Hailey!"

"My name is Avery! Nice to meet you!" The rosy cheeked girl said excitedly.

I quickly turned my head to blushing girl who normally was very quiet around people, especially those she'd just met. A wide smile spread on her face, focused on the boy with the crooked glasses.

"Hello there Harry! Ron, Hermione." Hagrid returned and greeted the three we just met. "Looks like the five of yer are getting on well! Why, you should finish shopping together!"

"We haven't even started so that sounds good!" Harry said.

The five of us gathered everything on our lists and now were sitting at an ice cream parlour, chatting away until Hagrid came to get us.

"I'm sure we will see you around!" Harry said.

"I'm sure-" I couldn't finish my sentence for Avery cut me off.

"I know we will!" She said, sounding overly ambitious.

"Nice to meet you all!"

"Nice to meet you!" The three friends said in return. "And bye Hagrid!"

We left back through the wall which transported us between worlds. Back to the one where people believe magic doesn't exist and that the things we had seen today are only found in story books. The world felt a little brighter knowing that there was a world for us, that is just like those in the stories we've read. If only the world could stay so bright.


Hi!! I was originally planning on this chapter being the girls going to King's Cross Station but got the idea for this chapter. I wanted us to get more character development and introduce the golden trio.

I made a change in the first chapter but want to clarify here too, for those who have already read it. I realized with Neville being the younger brother that the timeline for him was not accurate. Now it is changed for him to be 14 by the start of the new school year

I hope you like the story so far!

Word count: 1248

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