platform 9 3/4

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So much has changed since the time the brown owl flew to our window and delivered us letters for a magical school

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So much has changed since the time the brown owl flew to our window and delivered us letters for a magical school.

There's an anxiety that washed over me and has kept pushing me down, since the day in Diagon Alley. All my thoughts have been of Remus Lupin, my dad. The person I was determined to find. Little did I know how easily it would be done.

It's the 1st of September; Avery and I are prepared to leave for King's Cross Station. We made sure to have all our belongings packed the night before, as we had no intention of coming back. After saying goodbye to a few of the children we had grown to love, and who had grown to love us; we carried our luggage out the door.

Before Hagrid departed the orphanage he left us money for a taxi to the station. Now we hailed a taxi, loaded our luggage, and were on our way. We arrived at King's Cross Station. After paying the driver and loading our luggage, we pushed our Trolley's along, looking for Platform 9 3/4.

"6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Hailey? I don't think this platform exists."

It has to be here, somewhere. The two of us stood between platform nine and ten, unsure of what to do.

"Excuse me sir, would you be able to direct us to Platform 9 3/4?"

With nothing but a scoff the man continud on his way, likely thinking we were dared to ask some stupid question.

"Hailey, the train is scheduled to leave in 17 minutes. What are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know." I said. I felt as though we had been done wrong, tricked into believing we'd be leaving our old life behind.

Our answer arrived in the form of a family of gingers, followed by a boy with crooked glasses and a brunette, who was now holding an orange cat. They were coming at a fast pace near the place we stood.

"I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of them for now on." Avery chuckled.

The group stopped and a woman with shoulder length fiery hair split  children up into groups. Two of the boys started to run at the wall between platform nine and ten.

"What are they?"

Before the question could be finished they disappeared through the wall, no reaction was made from their group, and no one passing by were aware enough of their surroundings enough to notice. It was like the most normal thing. Avery and I stepped up to what I presume is the mother of all the children.

"Excuse us? But how did they? Well, how do yo?"

The woman with the sweetest smile glanced at our trolley's. "First time?" She asked, "not to worry dears, it is simple, you just have to head straight toward the wall between these two platforms. I'd go at a bit of a run if you're nervous."

"Ron, Harry! Would you two help, I'm sorry I don't know your name?"

Harry spoke up, "This is Hailey and Avery. We met at Diagon Alley."

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