never let me down again

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WARNINGThere will be themes throughout the chapter of the aftermath of S/A

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There will be themes throughout the chapter of the aftermath of S/A. I will again note a warning before and after the parts that can be triggering, so you can still read the chapter.


Sweat covered my body and I could barely catch my breath. I tossed my blankets away and my feet hit the cold floor. The window. No, the bathroom. I need air. Hot. It's to hot. I pull my sweatshirt over my head leaving me in the t-shirt I had on underneath and a pair of shorts. I sway down the stairs and stumble through the common room, out of Gryffindor Tower. The door. My arm. He grabbed my arm. Pomfrey. I need Pomfrey.

I screamed as I felt fingers wrap around my arm. "No! Please don't do it again! Let me go!" I fought and with the little strength I had I used to push my holder down. "Poppy." I pushed open the Hospital Wing doors and called for Madam Pomfrey. The woman ran from her private quarters and guided me to one of the many empty beds. "My dear what's happened?"

"Poppy, I let it happen again." I cried.

"Let what happen?"

"I let them pull me in. I- I"

"I what?"

"I let them control me."

In that moment I came to my own conclusion that never again would I let them take hold of me. Never again would I be made weak, be made silent. Never again would a man have any power over me. From now on I would be the stronger one. The one they should be scared of.


"I will expect all of you to be able to transfigure your porcupine to a pin cushion by our next class." Professor McGonagall instructed as her students filed out of the classroom. "Miss Lupin, I'll need you to stay a moment."

"I heard you weren't feeling well last night." She said as I stood before her desk.

"Yes but I'm fine now."

"Hm. Well Dumbledore is requesting you in his office as soon as possible. I except you should head there now." She said with a sorry sort of smile.

"Acid pops." I spoke to the gargoyle guarding the Headmasters office. A spiral staircase was revealed and ascending them I found myself at a door. Many voices could be heard from inside and I hesitated to knock. That is until I heard the room quiet down, "I believe our guest is waiting at the door."

The door opened on its own to my reveal the Headmaster, all professors and, "Reggie." I said quiet enough for only me to hear. And to his left stood dad.

"Oh my love! I was so worried." He pulled me into a tight embrace, one I hesitated to return.

"You didn't answer my letters."

Letting me go he turned to face our audience. The audience who in my opinion had no purpose to be present. "If you don't mind we will excuse ourselves."

Overlooking the astronomy tower I waited for dad to initiate. "Hailey I'm so sorry I didn't write I just needed some time."

I laughed remembering what Sirius had said.

"But that doesn't matter now."

"What do you mean it doesn't matter?" I turned to face him.

"I mean- it does matter but I'm here now."


"You should of been here then! When we are together for the last few days you should have been there and when I left on the train, you should have been there standing on the platform! After I was raped you should have been there!" The two of us were looking at each other through tear filled eyes. Remus was left speechless.


"You are right and I'm sorry." He reached his hand out to take my hand. I hesitated to let him have it. Forgive him. I gave him my hand.

"I forgive you."

Dad and Reggie returned to their home's but not before saying their goodbye's. Transfiguration was my only class of the day so after lunch I walked to the Black Lake. Pacing along the water's edge I find a visibly troubled Harry.

"If you keep this up you'll soon have yourself a trench." Harry smiled and stopped his pacing, seating himself on a rock. "Nervous?" I asked, walking to the shore to look for good rocks to skip.

"More then you know. If only I could get some hint to what the first challenge will be."

"Hints are nice but being forced to use your own mind can be the greater challenge and lead to the greater reward."

"Like the cup?"

I nodded, "accept help Harry, you aren't alone in this. But also use your mind."

"Thank you, I think I needed that."

I found the perfect rock and with a flick of my wrist it skipped, one, two, three, four, five, and so on until it fell beneath the water.

"Alright now I have to try!" Harry said, running beside me to look for a rock. The two of us stayed there for hours throwing rocks until our arms were sore and playing in the water until we couldn't feel our feet anymore. All the time together neither of us noticed the man watching from the distance.

"Harry," I said, taking hold of the boys arm before we parted ways. "Be careful. With the tournament and everything, please." I walked up the stairs to my dormitory, leaving Harry in the common room.


In the chapter "quidditch," in the flashback she was s*xually a**aulted for the first time in case that wasn't clear. It is a short chapter but it covered a lot that will be important to the story.

The book has 2.62k reads and that is just wild to me! Thank you so much ❤️ I hope you are enjoying the story as much as I am enjoying writing it. This book is at the front of my mind all of everyday and it is making me feel like myself again

Song: Never let me down again
By Jessica Mazin

Word count: 918

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