to be alone

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WARNINGThis chapter will contain themes of S/A

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This chapter will contain themes of S/A.
Another warning will be placed for those to know when to skip the parts that can be triggering and one placed after it is over.


Many students entered their names for the Triwizard Tournament in hopes that they will be one of the three students to become school champion. No one under seventeen were permitted to enter and while most students sulked in their discontent a few took action. Fred and George brewed a ageing potion in attempt to step over the age line Dumbledore placed and to drop their names in the goblet. To their embarrassment the spell changed their appearance to be that of old men.

"You shouldn't have doubted Dumbledore!" A Hufflepuff boy shouted as the boys ran off.

Like Cedric said he would, he placed his name in the goblet of fire. A group of friends surrounded him with praise as he stepped up to enter himself and he received a roar of applause from surrounding students.

"How do you feel Ced?" One of his friends asked.

"I feel like I'm going to see this cup again!" He said with a smile.

October had come around again and I find myself another year older. The day was like any other except for the occasional 'happy birthday'. Classes went on just like always and nothing felt different. That is until I received an owl during lunch.

With Autumn's arrival to Hogwarts red, orange and yellow trees are dotted among the remaining green. Sitting beside the black lake I set aside a small package as I tore open the letter Regulus sent.

Dear Hailey,
       Happy birthday! I am sending you, all my love
along with this gift. One year ago you came into
my life and for that I am forever grateful. I wish
this year is full of everything good for you little
       one. I hope you are settling in well with your
       new dorm mates, they sound like a nice group.
       What new classes have you decided to take this
       year? I look forward to receiving your letter!


I folded up the letter, returned it to its envelope and slid the box sat beside me onto my lap. It's wrapped in brown paper with twine wrapped around it with a bow knotted on the top. After undoing the knot I tear open the wrapping to behold a scarlet and gold scarf, lifting the item from the box a small piece of paper falls out from the folds.

This belonged to your dad. I hope you like it!

I wrap the knitted scarf around my neck and gather my things to return to Gryffindor Tower. I tuck the card away in my nightstand and leaving the common room I follow twisted stairs down to the dungeons. I hoped for at least a letter from dad but my hopes were kept low to keep from being disappointed.

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