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Trigger Warning!
This chapter will contain feelings of having a panic attack. Read with caution.

I wake up and am not in my bed, I'm not in my dormitory

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I wake up and am not in my bed, I'm not in my dormitory. I am back at my old bedroom, my room when mum was still alive. I swing open my door and run down the hall toward where many voices are coming from and I think mum has come home. As I get closer I hear crying, my run slows to a walk and I peer into the room, leaning on the doorframe. My mums close friends, people I have grown to consider my adopted aunts and uncle are surrounding the counter in the center of the room, clouds covered the sun so the room felt cold, drained of anything good.

"Hailey, come here little one." Teddy noticed me standing in the doorway. He knelt down and lifted me up. I saw sadness in my uncles eyes, streaks of fallen tears still stained his flushed cheeks.

"What is wrong?" I asked.

I got solemn looks from the girls in the room and they turn their heads back away, their gazes lost, staring at random objects and while their minds seemed as though they were a million miles away.

"Hailey honey, we have received a letter about your mum." From tone of his voice I knew something wasn't right.

"Is she hurt?" Tears are welled up in my eyes on the brink of overflowing. "Is she ok?"

Teddy shook his head, "I'm sorry honey, there was a hurricane and your mums boat was overturned in the storm." Tears are now rolling down both of our faces, which are pressed together as he is holding me close. He knew me well and knew I process my emotions best not speaking, he knew that better then anyone. He let me cry into him, not saying a word.

I woke up and am not in my bed, I'm not in my bedroom. I am back in my dormitory, my room when my mum was not alive. Panic filled my chest, I tear open my curtains gasping for air. Tears began falling down my cheeks and the salty taste, the cold of the floor on my bare feet keep me grounded enough to make it out the room without waking anyone. I pull open the door and run out through the portrait hole.

I had a few panic attacks in my life and never liked to burden to anyone because of it. I staggered down an empty corridor, pulling myself along wall until my legs no longer could hold me. I collapsed to the floor. My chest rose and fell like waves in a storm, my body was drenched in sweat. I felt like a living hurricane, my emotions spiraling out of control, a streak of light flashed itself on me and what sounded like a boom of thunder erupted from the darkness.

"What are you doing out of bed?" A languid voice spoke from behind behind the shining light.

"I- I can't."

My arm is grasped firmly and I am dragged up off the floor. "You will show respect when I speak to you!" Professor Snape barked at me.

He read my face and acknowledged my state. For a moment a flicker of sympathy flashed over the man's face. But only for a second, for another spoke from behind us.

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