the christmas waltz

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The morning sun was covered by grey clouds which blew across the sky making for a cold chill

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The morning sun was covered by grey clouds which blew across the sky making for a cold chill. During the night the fire in the mantle had gone out. The voices of students chatting as they walked through the common room toward the portrait home told me it was morning. I opened my eyes to see my essay and books neatly laid out on the coffee table.

My stomach grumbled and after rubbing the last of the sleep from my eyes I threw my feet off the couch and onto the floor. Except, the floor isn't what they landed on. A groan left Derek's mouth and holding his stomach he scrunched his eyes as he buckled over in pain.

"I'm so so sorry!" I said, carefully stepping over the boy I checked to make sure he was ok. "I forgot you were there!"

"Clearly." The boy responded, his tone was one of annoyance. I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You." I said in amusement," I didn't think you could be sarcastic."

"I can be a lot of things."

"And he turned him into a ferret." Harry said, recounting the event in the courtyard where Professor Moody transfigured a slytherin boy, Draco Malfoy into a rodent.

Harry and I were sat beside each other on the red velvet couch, leaning close to the fire as we talked to Sirius through the smoldering embers. It was late in the evening and the common room was empty.

I hadn't seen much of Moody outside the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. He seemed to have been reprimanded for what he taught in his first class. Since then he has been teaching us defensive spells in preparation for duels we would be practicing later in the year.

After Harry finished saying about all there was to say about Professor Moody we moved on to normal conversation. Sirius couldn't say where he was but only that it was sunny and warm, which made us jealous.

We said goodbye to Sirius just before Gryffindor's head boy and girl walked into the room. The two of us ducked down until the passed and closed their dormitory doors. We shortly followed behind them.

Pulling open my curtains I look over the edge of the bed to see a pile of gifts, was placed beneath the tree at the end my bed sometime during the night. One of the few memories I have as a child is checking beneath the tree before bed to see if Santa had left any gifts. Mum would remind me he wouldn't come until I was asleep and she would carry me to my bedroom where I would settle down to sleep right away.

In the morning presents wrapped in brown paper and tied with ribbon would be tucked neatly under the tree. Stockings would be stuffed with candy canes and chocolates, a children's book would peek out the top and a small toy would be tucked in the bottom.

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