under the willow

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"I think you've had enough

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"I think you've had enough." Dad said, pulling the basket of candies from my hand. I hadn't even realized how much I ate.

Easter had passed and with the execution of Buckbeak approaching I have been set on edge.

"I just feel so sorry for Hagrid and for Buckbeak. Hermione said there will be an appeal but there's little hope."

"I know, I feel sorry for him too."

Thanks to Sirius Black we are now strictly not allowed to wander the castle grounds. Because of that I haven't been able to visit Hagrid outside of meal times since his return with Buckbeak. The hippogriff knowing nothing of his fate is living happily in the garden while Hagrid having the knowledge of his fate has been a mess and has to go through it alone.

Exams are upon us so when I'm not doing homework I am studying and practicing spells we are required to master in order to move on. Hermione has kept me filled in on details concerning Buckbeak and the execution will be held on the last day of exams. The minister of magic will be present to make sure the 'job' is done.

Several weeks have passed and today was the final day of exams. Walking toward dad's quarters I hear footsteps running up behind me.

"Hailey!" Hermione caught up to me, a piece of paper gripped tightly in her hand, "Hagrid sent this."

Lost appeal.
They're going to execute at sunset.
Nothing you can do. Don't come down I don't
want you to see it.

Tear drops were still wet on the parchment. I handed the letter back to Hermione, "well we can't let him wait all alone."

"I know. Harry, Ron and I talked about it and we are going to go tonight."

"I'm going with you."

We finished dinner and waited for the halls to be clear. Huddled underneath Harry's invisibility cloak we crossed the castle grounds toward Hagrid's. We  knocked on the door and it slowly creaked open revealing a confused giant and disturbed friend.

"It's us." Harry said.

"Yeh shouldn't be here." Hagrid opened the door fully for us to come in. Once the door was shut and window shudders overlooking the castle were closed we dropped the cloak from over us. Hagrid looked to sorrowful for tears. "He's outside he is." He nodded toward the back window and there you saw the Buckbeak lying among the pumpkins.

"Well since yeh here I should make something hot to drink." Hagrid, after placed a kettle on the stove, "Dumbledore is to be comin' he sent a letter himself saying he wanted to be here for comfort. Great man Dumbledore is." The four of us nodded in agreement.

"Oh Ron! I found yer rat just the other day I've been meaning to return him to yeh." Hagrid remembered, he walked over to a small cage and presented Scabbers.

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