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Sunlight is shining through the blinds and I throw my pillow over my face to block it out

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Sunlight is shining through the blinds and I throw my pillow over my face to block it out. Laying there I enjoy the dark before remembering, today is my birthday. I toss aside my blanket and climb out of bed, I open my bedroom door and walk into the kitchen where the smell of pancakes and oranges fill my senses.

"Morning." I said as I stand beside the stove to look into the pan. Oil is sizzling in the pan, creating the perfect crisp edge around each blueberry pancake. A board of orange slices cut in half and worn down to nothing but the peel is sitting beside the kitchen sink where a pitcher of juice is sat beside it.

"Happy birthday!" Dad said while pulling me into a side hug. "I hope you like blueberry." With a wooden spatula he flipped over a pancake revealing it to be perfectly brown.

"It smells good."

"And it's ready now."

The two of us sat at the oval table decorated with a bouquet of wildflowers in the center. Two places were set with purple paper birthday plates, cups and matching forks.

"I didn't even see you get these!" I said as I looked at everything.

We finished breakfast and while dad cleaned up the kitchen I got myself ready for the day. I put on long sleeve t-shirt, a jean jacket and wrapped a scarf around my neck for there was a bit of a chill in the air.

I picked a book of the shelf and walked over to dad. "I'd like to get this one!" He took the book from my hands and looked it over, "Percy Jackson." He read the title aloud. "It looks like a good one!"

"I have already read the first two several times. I haven't been able to get the third one!"

The old man at the register gave me a bookmark and told me to be sure never to lose my place. "Thank you sir." I laughed awkwardly.

"Happy Birthday!" Dad said, pulling me into a side hug as we walked along the sidewalk.

"Thank you. And thank you for this!" I said, smiling down at my new book. "I wish I could start it now!"

"I can make that wish come true!" He places one hand on each shoulder, "go ahead. I'll guide you."

The cake we made together is in the oven and dad said dinner is being delivered. The two of us sat in the living room, each immersed in our own story when a knock at the door pulls us back to reality. "I'll get it." I said, jumping up from the couch. I open the door and lift my chin to look the man before me in the eyes. His eyes are a piercing grey, with a hint of blue. Dark curls frame his fair face.

"Hello there little one. Is your dad here?"

"Yes he is. Dad?" I feel a hand placed on my shoulder, "it's alright love, he's a friend."

I nod my head. "Well don't just stand there, come on in." Dad took the bag of food from his friends hand and welcomed him through the door. "Should I ask what happened to the boy delivering our food?"

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