falling out

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It was the day after my encounter with the boggart and I have tried to push the image of my greatest fear out of my mind, but I couldn't

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It was the day after my encounter with the boggart and I have tried to push the image of my greatest fear out of my mind, but I couldn't. It consumed my thoughts, my dreams, my feelings. I couldn't shake the feelings. I remember my professor's boggart, a full moon and wondered what could be so frightening about that? I remember him leading me to sit down when it was just the two of us. I remember him giving me chocolate and telling me that it would help, which it did. I remember him holding me as I cried, not letting go, not pushing me away. I remember him asking about my boggart, asking if I'd like to talk about it.

"He had said he wanted to speak with me," I said to Avery as we walked to our first class of the day. "I didn't give him the chance to though."

"And do you want to talk to him?"

I nod my head, "talking to him is all I've been thinking about."

"I think you should go up to him at dinner tonight, ask if you can meet."

"That's a good idea!"

Today we have charms and astronomy. I have always been interested in astronomy, the universe and everything in it I found fascinating. As a kid I would check out books about it from the local library whenever I could.

Our third day at Hogwarts was coming to an end. Avery, Neville and I were having dinner. I quickly became the "third wheel" to this pair of siblings which is something Harry had noticed. He came up behind me, asking if I'd like to sit with him, Ron and Hermione to which I excused myself to I followed him and took a seat beside him. I didn't notice Avery's jealous glances at Harry and I. Little did I know how much it'd build up within her to later explode.

Harry is talking about quidditch practice and how hard Oliver Wood has been on him. "I am already one of the best seeker this school has seen, why does Oliver feel the need to push me so hard?"

"Who knows mate." Ron replied between taking a large bite of food.

"You know we are always quick to notice other's weakness before we notice our own. There must be something Oliver see's and wants to help you be the best you can."

"Very wise words Lupin!" Harry chuckled, putting his arm around me and placing his hand on my shoulder.

Lupin! I am supposed to talk to Professor Lupin!

I look over my shoulder to the head table and see him seated in his usual seat, beside Snape. He seemed to be enjoying his meal but unlike others at the table, he wasn't engaging in conversation.

This is the best time to talk to him.

"Excuse me." I said to the trio before getting up from the table and walking toward him.

"Erm, excuse me Professor?"

The man was intently looking down at his plate, he was separating his food so it was no longer touching."Oh hello! What can I do for you?"

"I wanted to thank you for the other night, I really appreciate what you did. I also would like to talk with you." My hands were shaking. I hope to god no eyes from any class mates are on me. It's bad enough getting glances from the other professors at the table, and Lupin and Snape staring right at me.

"You're welcome! And about talking, I have a meeting with another student tonight. Perhaps tomorrow night would work for you, after dinner?" He gives me a smile that unlike the night before, did not leave his face right away.

"That should bring good, I have astronomy tonight anyway. I'll see you tomorrow Professor. Goodnight!"


I take my seat back beside Harry and continue eating my dinner.

"What were you talking to him about?"

"Really Ron? It is none of your business to know. If she wanted to tell you then she would of."

I love Hermione, she can be a tad dramatic but she is very understanding and isn't afraid to speak her mind.

"Thank you Mione, but I really don't mind. I just asked to speak with him. Tonight he said that he's meeting with another student so we are going to meet tomorrow night."

Harry was quiet but none of us seemed to notice. Dinner was finished and I walked back to the common room with my three friends. We entered through the portrait hole and I went to my dorm to grab my things for astronomy. If only I knew the drama I was about to walk into, I would of just told the professor I forgot my books.

I open the dormitory door and see Avery standing at the foot of her bed, arms crossed and a look of anger on her face.

"What happened to you?"

"You sure are getting close with Harry and his friends. Why did you move seats at dinner?"

"Because Harry noticed I was playing third wheel to you and Neville, he kindly offered for me to sit with him and his friends. What is wrong with that?" I am more confused then I am frustrated. Avery has never spoken in this tone with me before, we had always gotten along well.

"Oh really? You were included in our conversation. And why are you getting so close to Harry? Don't think I haven't noticed him putting his hand on your shoulder.

"Avery, we have only been here a few weeks, I hardly know him. Him and his friends are just trying to be nice. And do you realize he is fourteen and you're only eleven? What do you need to be thinking of boys for?"

Avery was silent, trying to look for what to say when one of our roommates Katie walks in. "Hi Katie, I was just getting my books for astronomy. Want to walk there together?" I said while trying to release my frustration.

"Sure, let me get my books and we can go! Avery, are you coming too?"

"No I'm not feeling well."

Katie and I have a nice time walking to class. She is very sweet and we got along well. We were partners together during class. I am hurt by Avery and the accusations she made but I tried to put it out of my mind.

I climb through the portrait hole and go straight to my dormitory, I grab a book off my shelf and go back down to the common room, taking a seat by the fireplace. I am reading Percy Jackson, it has become my favorite book and this is my third time reading it. I sit for awhile immersing myself in the story, tuning out all sounds around me. Everyone lingering around had finally gone upstairs and I was all alone so I laid down on the floor to get closer to the warmth of the fire.

I hear the common room door open but I just keep reading.

"Oh my god! You scared me."

I raise my chin up to see Harry. He plopped down on the ground just beside me, leaning his back on the couch. "I'm sorry, I thought whoever came in would of just gone upstairs."

"It's fine. What are you reading?" He asked, tilting his head trying to make out the name on the cover.

"It's Percy Jackson. Have you read it?"

"Nah, my aunt and uncle hardly allowed me to go anywhere and they never gifted me anything like that."

I felt sorry for him. Sure I didn't have much money but I at least didn't have someone who kept me from going out wherever I wanted. "Would you like to borrow it? I have already read it several times."

"You really would trust me with it?"

"Of course! As long as you don't lose it or mess it up to the point you can't read it, I really don't care."

He smiled and accepted the book, thanking me for it and promising to not mess it up.

Word count: 1357

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