time's blur

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Before leaving Hogwarts some friends and I had exchanged addresses for us to write over the summer

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Before leaving Hogwarts some friends and I had exchanged addresses for us to write over the summer. In their latest letters they wrote of the holiday's they will be going on.

I'm going to New York City this summer! Uncle Amos has some work to attend to there and asked me to go along with him and my cousin. I've never been out of the country before so I'm nervous but being with Cedric the whole time I know everything will be alright. I'll send a postcard!

                     Your friend,
                                          Wes Gotcher

Hi Hailey!
My uncle is getting married in Ireland so mum,
  dad and I will be spending the rest of summer
  there. I am excited to go and can't wait to tell you
  about it! I hope you are having a good summer!

                              With love,
                                            Katie Bell

The summer had flown by and it's nearly time to return to school. Everything has been going so well it felt like nothing could go wrong. For weeks dad has been planning for the two of us to get away on a little holiday of our own.

"Have you got everything?" Dad asked as he set his suitcase by the door.

"Yeah I'm ready!"

We load our things into the car Regulus let us borrow and we're on our way. Dad planned out a whole weekend trip for us with activities to fill every second. Warm air blows in through the windows and the smell of freshly cut grass fills our senses, renewing our souls.

"What's this?" I ask, reaching into a compartment and pulling out a pamphlet.

"Wait don't-"

It was to late, "Scarborough," I read the words printed across the front in cursive. "The seaside. We're going to the sea?"

"Well it was meant to be a surprise for when we got there. Mum and dad would take me every summer when I would come home from Hogwarts. Now I want to start the tradition with you!"

We arrived in the quaint town where homes and buildings were scattered along the hills which overlooked the unavoidable sea. Everything was perfect except for the constant sound of seagulls which seemed to mock you, loud crashing of waves which reminded you of how small you are to them and the winds blowing from the shore that reminded you of just how strong they are. On land we feel untouchable, so in control we get comfortable in our life we forget that one step into another's territory all matter of sureness is gone.

"Better finish your chips before the birds have a go at them." A nudge on the shoulder pulls me from my thoughts.

Picking up a chip I toss it to one of the birds flocked before us. "I'm not very hungry," I set aside the rest of my food and run my fingers through the warm sand. "I'm sorry, I don't feel very well." I closed my eyes and tried to shut off the noise, shut out the smell and shut out the feelings.

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