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My love,I miss you and hope you are well

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My love,
I miss you and hope you are well. The job has been just fine. You and Regulus were right about Miss McCrea, she has been nothing but sweet. I look forward everyday to seeing you again. Love you.


"When you aren't doing homework I swear you're either pining over some letter or writing one." There was a pause before a sudden squeal, "oh it is from a boy! Tell me it's from a boy!" Abigail said.

"Uh no. No it's not." I said with eyebrows raised and you could hear the smile of amusement in my voice.

"Oh come on, you have to tell us about him! Doesn't she Edith?" Abigail said.

"I mean if she doesn't want to," Edith said.

Edith Taylor was the most passive of all the girls in our dormitory. She often kept to herself and while she would speak her mind she would speak it with caution, not wanting to be disagreeable. Abigail on the other hand was an open book and the least quiet person you could know. She always wanted to know anything about everything and was the person people went to for gossip and information. Information on who's broken up and who's single, who to be friends with and who to avoid. Things like that.

"Of course she wants to!" Abigail cut her off. Edith didn't mind for she just returned to her book.

"If you must really know," I said, building suspense for the girl. " the letter is from my dad."

"Remus Lupin?"

"Uh, yeah." I said, a little thrown off by her calling him by his first name. There was a moment of silence between the three of us before Abigail spoke up again.

"Your dad is really hot you know."

"Oh my god, oh my god." I stood up from my bed and begin pacing, "I can't believe you actually said that!"

"It's true, practically every girl has thought it."

"I think I'm going to be sick." I took the letter and the book on my nightstand and ran out of the room before I could hear anymore.

Having only one class today and very little homework I decided to put it off for the weekend. Days of leisure were few so I make the most of them when I can. Today I could be found inside the library sitting among the books while reading one. For my birthday dad sent me the second Percy Jackson which I have partly read through.

"Mind if I sit?" I looked up to see the same curly hair boy from weeks before.

"Yeah, sure."

"Every time I see you your nose is in some book, you are doing homework or reading letters." Derek said.

"Every time you see me? I haven't seen you since dance practice with McGonagall."

"That's exactly my point. It's because your head is always looking down." He laughed.

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