double trouble

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Walking to breakfast I am ready for the day ahead

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Walking to breakfast I am ready for the day ahead. So much has changed in just one night, from just one conversation. I enter the hall and catch my dad's eyes, a smile spreads across our faces and happiness radiates from within us. I keep my head raised and eyes straight as walk past the girl who for years had been my best friend. Ignoring her stare I stand beside a trio of friends. "Good morning! Is it ok that I sit with you?"

"Of course it is! You don't need to ask." Harry said with a smile. I fill my plate with food and begin to eat.

"Hailey, how are you doing?" Hermione asked. I wasn't in my bed this morning so she must of been wondering.

"I wasn't feeling well last night but I'm fine now. I left the common room and had a run in with Snape, Professor Lupin found us and helped me away from Snape.

"Have you thought about how you two share a name?" Ron asked. I think he was genuine in his question but was quickly reprimanded.

"Really Ron?" Hermione and Harry said in unison. Hermione shook her head and Harry covered his face in his hands

Ron lowered his head, "I'm sorry, but I can't be the only one who thought about it."

"It's ok Ron. I had a talk with Professor Lupin last night and well, he is my dad."

"Knew it!"

"Hailey that's great!" Harry said enthusiastically.

Hermione being more mindful of girls asked how I'm feeling? Her eyebrows were scrunched up together, just like they do when she's concerned.

"I feel better then I have in years! Before coming to Hogwarts I lived in an orphanage. My mum died when I was seven and I had no family that wanted to take me in, none that knew of me I thought at least."

Harry squirmed a little for he knew more then anyone what it's like to not have parents, but he at least had a home, as terrible as the individuals living inside it were, it was still a home. "My mum and dad were separated before she even knew about me and she never told him about me."

"Making yourself comfortable with your new friends' are you now?" A odious voice spoke from behind me, I turn to see Avery standing behind me with smug look on her face.

"Yes I am, thanks for asking." I responded, turning my face to the plate before me, trying to keep my breath steady.

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind if my brother and I join you?"

This has been such a good day and I'm not about to let it be ruined.

"Of course not."

Try to be the bigger person. Mum would often say to me. Now I am trying to put her words into practice and it seemed to be working well for me as Avery was thrown off.

"Uh, well Neville already is working on his plate so-"
Without finishing her sentence she left us.

"That was bloody brilliant! Shutting her up the way you did. I need to try that on my brothers."

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