waves and full moons

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I woke up before anyone else, went into the bathroom and got myself ready for the day

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I woke up before anyone else, went into the bathroom and got myself ready for the day. I sat on my bed and finished braiding my hair, by the time everyone started to wake up. Sitting up in their beds they tried to rub the sleep from their eyes.

"Good morning!" I said to Avery.

She groaned and rolled back over, throwing her head face down in her pillow. I left her to sleep and walked down to the common room and out the portrait hole. The stairs could not be more confusing to navigate for they would sometimes move on you and make you have find another way to get to where you were going. I eventually made it to The Great Hall and take a seat at the fairly empty Gryffindor table. A few of the professors are seated at the head table, I look over and see Hagrid, I give him a small wave and a smile which he returns. After about 20 minutes of sitting by myself Avery enters the hall and takes a seat beside me.

We finished eating and began looking over our list of classes for the semester. "Today we have Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"Neville told me about the Potions professor," Avery said. "He said he's a a detestable person and to be careful to stay on his good side." I nodded my head.

We walked to our first class. Potions. Neville was right, the professor was detestable. I don't know why but he had it out for us from the start. Avery and I were a couple minutes late and he took 10 points each from Gryffindor. He used my potion as a example on how it should not be, even though I followed the directions perfectly and it looked exactly as it was supposed to.

We had some free time before our last class, the one I had been most anxious to do for I wanted to talk to Professor Lupin. We enter the classroom. I look around to admire it for it has lovely windows which are tucked into tall windowsills. At the front of the room there is a staircase which our professor was standing at the top of, he just came out of what must of been his study. He made his way down the stone steps and was now standing before us. All the desks had been pushed off to the side and a wardrobe stood at the end of the room.

"Now students if you'll please gather around!"

We stood before the professor and something from the inside of the wardrobe began to shake it. Some of us took a step back.

"There's really nothing to worry about you see there's a boggart in there. A boggarts very fond of dark enclosed spaces like the wardrobe, the gap beneath the bed, a cupboard, under the sink. You know I once met a boggart that had lodged itself inside a grandfather clock." This made us laugh. "Now the question we must ask ourselves does a boggart look like?"

"No one knows. Boggarts are shapeshifters, they take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so-" The girl I had met on the train, Luna Lovegood explained.

"So terrifying, yes!" Professor Lupin finished her sentence. "Luckily a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart." The wardrobe is being pounded even more than from when we first approached it. "Let's practice it now. Without wands please! After me, Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" We all repeated, some better then others.

"Very good! A little louder, very clear. Listen, Riddikulus." He annunciated very slowly.

"Riddikulus!" Together it sounded like a shout into the room, our voices bouncing off the wall and back to our ears.

"Very good! Well so much for the easy part. You see the alone incantation is not enough, what really finishes a boggart is laughter! You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing, let me explain."

Professor Lupin calls a student to help him demonstrate what to do. He asks the boy what fears him the most and he responds with Mr. Filch, someone who I had seen the night before at dinner and can agree he did look like someone to be frightened of.

"Now when I open that wardrobe here's what I want you to do." He crossed the floor and whispered something in the boys ear, something none of us could hear. "Can you do that?" He now says loud enough for all to hear.

"Yes, wand at the ready! 1, 2, 3." And with a flick of the Professors wand the wardrobes door handle turns, a howl comes from within and the door creaks open. Out steps Mr. Filch and his cat Mrs. Norris, they come walking toward the shaking boy.

"Riddikulus!" The boy shouted, pointing his wand at the two before him. Suddenly the pair turn from their normal selves into a pirate Filch and a parrot.

"Wonderful, wonderful! Well done! Everyone form a line!"

There was a lot of pushing and shoving so Avery and I stood off to the side until the line straightened out. I was at the very back of the line, waiting for my turn. Worry filled me as I imagined my greatest fear and came to realize everyone in the room would see it. The line moved quickly and before I knew it my turn had come.

"Hello." Professor Lupin said in a tone so soft.

I walk up to the boggart and try to calm myself, the professor now standing beside me. Waves as big as mountains appear before me, a boat at sea being tossed back and forth, about ready to sink. Tears begin to fill my eyes and I can't take it anymore.
Lupin steps in front of me and the boggart changes, for a few seconds I see a full moon, partly covered by clouds.

"Riddikulus!" The moon turns into a balloon and flies around the room, air being released from it and it disappears having been sent back into the wardrobe.

"Alright well, sorry about that. That's enough for today, be sure to collect your books at the back of the class that's the end of the lesson. Thank you!"

I stay standing in my place, trying to stop tears from pouring and to catch my breath. Every noise had been shut out and I just stared at the wardrobe, I feel a hand on my shoulder and come back to myself.

"Come sit." It's just me and Professor Lupin now. He guides me to the bottom of the stairs to take a seat.

"Have some chocolate. It'll help." I accept it from his hands and take a bite. "I did want to speak with you. Although now I don't think is the right time." He tells me.

I look up to the man who seated himself on the step above me. "I wanted to speak with you too."

A thin smile appears on his face but quickly disappears. "Your boggart, it showed a boat about to be overthrown by waves. Would you want to talk about it?" The man asked nervously.

I contemplate his question, not because I didn't want to answer it but because I didn't want to start crying again. I hate being vulnerable in front of others. "My mother, she went on a expedition while I was young, she was all by herself on a boat. A hurricane came and caused a huge storm which had sunk her ship, drowning her." I couldn't help it, tears began fall from my eyes. I felt someone sit beside me and offer a hug. I accepted it without even thinking about it. I don't know how long I was wrapped in the man's arms but it was exactly what I needed. I released myself from his embrace and was excused.

He didn't get to talk about what he had planned to but he knew I needed to be heard more. To let my emotions out more. And he already got the answer he was longing to know.


Wow at is not barely past 1am and I finished the chapter! I'm very impressed honestly. Now I'm going to play with my kitten and do some reading of my own

Word count: 1361

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