the prank

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Waking up at the crack of dawn I try to rub the sleep from my eyes

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Waking up at the crack of dawn I try to rub the sleep from my eyes. Forcing myself to sit up so not to fall back asleep. I tossed my covers aside and threw my legs over the side of the bed, I look around the room. My roommates are still asleep so I quietly gather my clothes and head to the bathroom. I put on a little makeup, just enough to cover the circles under my eyes, I brushed my hair and changed into my uniform. I successfully snuck out of the room without waking any of the sleeping girls. After closing the door and taking a few steps away I let out a deep sigh, "god I hate this." I said to myself.

I knocked on Professor McGonagall's door, ready but not ready to start the first day of my week of detentions. The door opened and I'm met with the usual stern glare that resided on the woman's face.

"Good morning Professor." I said, stepping into the classroom.

"Good morning." McGonagall said, turning and walking to her desk, "now, you will clean these floors until there is not a ounce of dirt on them. I want them to shine." She said.

"Ok-" I began to speak, before my sentence being cut off.

"And there will be no magic. Your wand please." She said with her hand held out before me.

I grabbed my wand from the pocket of my robe and placed it into the palm of McGonagall's hand, her bony fingers wrapped tightly around it.

"I will hand this to your father, he will keep it for you until you finish." McGonagall started walking toward the door, "I do expect you to do well." She said, before closing the door behind her.

The thought crossed my mind that Professor McGonagall might of locked the classroom door, forcing me to actually clean. Thank god she didn't for after a few minutes I exited the classroom and walked back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Harry!" I said, seeing him at the top of the stairs, just outside the boys dormitory. "Would I be able to borrow your-" I made a motion as though I was throwing a cloak over my head, Harry understood what I was asking. He nodded and without a word walked back to his dorm.

A few minutes later Harry met me in the empty common room. "I presume this is to get you out of detention?" Harry asked handing me his cloak, "Fred told me."

"Your presumption is correct. Now would I also be able to borrow your wand? For just a moment, McGonagall took mine and I am supposed to clean the classroom." I said.

"Erm, I don't know."


"Alright fine. Here. But you better not do anything to it I swear-"

"Thank you, thank you!" I said, snatching the wand from the boys hand before he changed his mind. I threw the cloak over my head and followed Harry in the hall where the two of us went our separate ways.

With one simple spell the Transfiguration classroom looked, as I would imagine, just as it would have the first day since it'd been built.

I walked into The Great Hall, hidden from sight underneath Harry's cloak. I saw an open space beside the twins and made my way over to them. They were leaning into each other, snickering and conversing, their eye's frequently looking toward the entrance to the hall where a gift box was placed on a stool. Everyone knows Filch sits on it during every meal, giving him the perfect view of everyone at every table, and giving everyone the perfect view of him, if they cared to notice him.

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