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Quidditch season has begun and today Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are having their first game

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Quidditch season has begun and today Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are having their first game. I read a book on the sport to understand the game. It sounds fun and I'm excited to watch it, even if the weather is terrible. Rain has been pouring down hard which has made it near impossible to see. I carefully walk up the stairs and into the stands where I see Wes with a scarf made of his house colors wrapped tightly around him, a matching beanie on his head and a rain coat pulled tightly around him.

"Hi!" I said, sitting down beside him, "excited for the game?" I said, casting a couple spells to cover us from the rain and to dry my clothes. That was something I had learned from dad.

"Oh hi! I'm really excited!" He said.

"Who do you think will win?" I asked.

"Hufflepuff of course! My cousin is keeper and the team has been practicing really hard. He's told me this will be their best year yet!" He said.

"I love the confidence!"

Madam Hooch, our flying teacher released the quaffle and the game began.

"How do you feel about trying out for quidditch next year?" I asked, taking my eyes off the game and looking at Wes.

"I do like flying, but I don't know. I'm not the competitive type." He said.

"That's something that can be worked on!"


The game finished and Gryffindor lost. Harry fell from his broom, thus ending the game with Hufflepuff winning. No one knows yet what caused Harry to fall, one moment he disappeared up through the clouds to chase after the golden snitch, and the next he was spiraling toward the ground. Professor Dumbledore slowed him down before impact, but he still was rushed to Madam Pomfrey.

"I knew we should of placed a bet on the game! And I would of won to. Next time I guess." Wes said.

The two of us walking along the castle grounds with all the other students. Professors walked along, escorting us back to the castle.

"You're on!" I said.

Lately I've been sitting with the Weasley twins and another Gryffindor boy Lee Jordan during dinner. But tonight George and Fred are waiting outside the hospital wing for news on Harry, and Lee is at the Ravenclaw table with his boyfriend. I finished dinner and entered my dormitory where I find Hermione lying on her bed doing her homework. Books are piled all around her and she is talking aloud to herself. I grab the book I'm reading off my nightstand and leave the room, having decided to go to the kitchen.

Walking down a empty corridor I start talking to myself, "how is it possible for her to be taking so many classes? Hermione is smart but no matter how much, it's physically impossible for her to be taking as many classes as she is. Especially when some of them are at the same time."

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