frames and broomsticks

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It is Christmas Eve and the day is full of holiday errands

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It is Christmas Eve and the day is full of holiday errands.

"We'll be back soon!" Regulus said.

I gave dad a hug before the two of us bundled up in our thick coats, scarves and beanies. We slipped on our mittens and boots then apparated into town.

The full moon is a few days away so dad wasn't feeling up to walking around the shops. I feel sorry but the timing worked in my favor because I still needed to get him a Christmas gift. We told him we're going to get a tree so I don't think he suspects a thing.

"Have you any idea what you want to get him?" Regulus asked. The two of us strolled down the sidewalk hand in hand.

"No. I am hoping to just look around."

"This store looks promising!" Regulus pointed to the store beside us. He pushed open the door and the bell hanging above rang, a woman rushed forward. "Mind the step and be sure to wipe your shoes!" The two of us did as we were told and stepped in further. "Can I get you lovelies something hot to drink? Anything you want I've got it!" She handed me a mug of hot chocolate and Regulus a mug of black coffee. The two of us thanked her and started looking around the shop.

"It looks so small from the outside." I said, looking with my eyes at the old pocket watches displayed in a case. Dad does look old fashioned but not quite that much. "Is there anything I can help you find?" The woman asked.

"I am looking to get a gift for my dad. This is our first Christmas together so I want something nice!"

The woman pondered for a moment, "I have the perfect thing!" She walked further into the store and returned with a large picture frame, inside is a painting of a family all standing before a Christmas tree. Regulus and I looked at the painting and then at the woman. "This might not seem like anything special to a muggle but for us magic folk, it is much more than a normal painting. Painting's hold memories and rven when painted over, a canvas never forgets its previous layers." The woman gazed at the painting, smiling at each of the faces. "When you tap right here," she pointed to a heart at the top of the frame, "with your wand the canvas will be ready for its next layer, it's next memory. Every Christmas Eve my family and I would tap the heart and a stand together before our Christmas tree. The new portrait would appear, covering the old. Now it is time it to be passed on to someone new." She passed the painting to Regulus, "as years went on, both blood and chosen family joined in the tradition." She smiled at the two of us, tears welling in her eyes. "You can recover every layer and reminisce on years past."

The two of us made it home and hid the frame in Regulus's room. "Did you two find a nice tree?" Dad surprised us, leaning up against the doorframe.

"Of course we did!" We did not but I knew Regulus would have it covered. The three of us walk into the living room and a tree is standing beside the lit fireplace. "I got a few boxes from the attic but there are still some more up there." Regulus patted dad on the shoulder, "thanks Rem, I'll get the rest!"

Dad helped me take my layers of clothes off and set me by the fire, wrapping a blanket around me. I sat and watched as the two men strung the tree with soft yellow lights. Once they were done the three of us weighed the branches down with far to many baubles. "Are you ready?" Dad mustered up the strength to lift me up on his shoulders, I reached and placed the star on top of the tree.

The three of us got dressed up for the Christmas Eve Service in the town's church. The walk would have been long so we apparated a little ways away so no one would see us. I met some other children after the service, they were nice enough but if they found out I was a witch, things wouldn't go over well. Many looks were given at the sight of the three of us but I didn't care.

We arrived home and forced dad to sit on the couch with his eyes closed. "Keep them closed!" I waved my hand in front of his face, making sure he couldn't see. "And open them!" The two of us said in unison.

"Oh! It's lovely!"

"Just you wait!" Regulus charmed the frame to float in the air. "Now you two stand in front of the tree and smile!" He tapped the heart with his wand and excitedly ran back to get into frame. The previous picture faded away and was replaced with ours, three of us with standing before the tree with arms wrapped around each other and big smiles on our faces.

"Do you like it?" I asked, "I thought we could hang it on the empty wall in the dining room!"

"That'd be the perfect place!" I watched as the two men hung up the frame and we sat down at the kitchen table, table admiring the picture. "Thank you, the both of you for this gift. It is beautiful!" A kiss was placed on top of my head and a smile was given to Regulus.

We spent the rest of the night baking cookies, watching the nightmare before christmas and drinking hot chocolate.

"Merry Christmas!" I jumped on dad's bed, shaking him awake, "Reggie is already up with breakfast!"

"Merry Christmas my love." He pulled me into a hug and we stayed that way for a moment. "Well we shouldn't keep Reg waiting. You go ahead, I'll be out in a minute."

We had waffles, eggs, sausage and orange juice. "It smells good!" The three of us sat at the kitchen table where laughter and conversation filling the room. So much has changed in one year I would of never imagined I'd be here, with people I have grown to love and who love me in return.

"Merry Christmas!" I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut as light poured in.

"Merry Christmas Avery. How about for my gift you close the curtain?" I rolled over, shoving my face into the pillow.

"Sorry can't do that since I already got you a gift!" I looked over my shoulder to see Avery holding a small box wrapped in newspaper. I accept the gift and tear open the paper. "Oh Avery!" I lift up a necklace with half a heart, "its beautiful!" She pulled a chain which is hung around her neck and tucked into her shirt, revealing the hearts other half. We put them together completing the heart. "As long as I live I'll never take this off. No matter what." Avery said.

"And neither will I."

"Time for presents!" Regulus cleared the table and the three of us sat around the tree. There were only a few gifts under the tree so we took our time opening each one. Regulus had gotten dad what for a normal person could be a years supply of chocolate, but for him it should last only a few months. I got some baking supplies to use with Regulus next time I come home for break. Dad gave Regulus a old but nice pocket knife. I got some new pajamas and socks. "Thank you!" I gave hugs and sat down, looking through all I was given.

"And what is this?" Dad noticed one more present behind the tree. Reading the tag he looked up at Regulus.
To the little one.
With love,

With his eyes he questioned Regulus who shook his head. "Well this one I think is for you!" He handed me the gift wrapped in brown paper and tied with a string. The gift was very long and quite a awkward sight. Pulling the paper away it revealed a broom. Holding it up I read, "it's a Firebolt! I saw one passing by a window in Diagon Alley! Thank you Reggie!" I gave him a big hug.

"I wish I could say this was from me."

The three of us bundle up and stepped out into the cold. Regulus took a ride on the broom before letting me have a chance. "You feeling up for this Rem?"

"There's nothing I'd want more than to be with my little girl on her first ride." Leaning forward dad hovered above the ground and reached out to me. I hoped on in front of him, grabbing hold of the broomstick and leaning back into him. With one push we took off into the air.


We are getting near the end of poa and it feels bittersweet but story is far from over!

Word count: 1484

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