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October, my favorite month

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October, my favorite month. Fall, my favorite season. The leaves have nearly all fallen from the trees, there is a chill in the air and things feels alright.

Since the incident during the first quidditch match Dumbledore has forbidden dementors from entering the school grounds, now making it safe to wander beyond the castle doors. With charms having been my first and only class of the day I decided to spend the rest of the day outside. I knock on the heavy door and wait for a response.

"Come in."

I pushed open the door before the speaker could even finish their sentence. "Hi dad!" I said, walking into his quarters. I take my robe and scarf off, tossing them to the arm of his chair but barely missing. His gaze is turned to the pile on the floor, "are you going to pick those up?" He asked, his gaze now fixed on me.

"Later." I said, walking beside him and placing my hands on his shoulder. I rest my head on top of my hands and look down at the paper's he's grading. "Want to go get some fresh air?"

"You mean get a cold?"

"If you are wearing nothing but your knickers then yes. But you aren't going to do that now are you?" I said. An amused smile spread across my face.

"I guess not."

The two of us walk through the castle doors. The cold air kisses our skin, very quickly turning our cheeks pink. I let go of dad's hand and run ahead, kicking up bunches of leaves as I go.

Standing on the hill overlooking Hagrid's hut I shout, "Hagrid said I could pick one of his pumpkins for baking. I'm going to get a head start!" I start racing down the steps to the pumpkin patch. Focusing on each stone I didn't notice the dog that emerged from the dark forest, taking a seat at the front of the garden.

"Chocolate!" I called out, having made it down the last step. I run forward wrapping my arms around the dog's neck. "I've missed you! You need to meet my dad, he will love you."

I look over my shoulder to see my dad at the top of the hill, looking down on me. "He'll be here soon." I said looking back at the dog. Except he wasn't there.

"Have you found a pumpkin yet? Hey, what is it?" Dad asked, noticing the change in demeanor. He rested his hands on my shoulders and looked in the direction of my eyes.

"The dog I told you about was just here. He was just here but once you came up on the hill he left. I told him you'd be coming soon, that you'd want to meet him."

"What did this dog looks like?"

"Well he is a bigger dog, he looks pretty scruffy and it smells like he hasn't had a proper bath in years. His fur is very long and is black."

"And the dog is nice to you?"

"He's only ever been nice! He lets me pet him and he gives kisses."

"Hm, well that's nice. Now let's pick a pumpkin!"

"Magic is so cool!" I said, making dad laugh. Floating before the two of us is the large pumpkin we picked which is guiding us to the kitchen.

"Hi Dot!"

"Hello Miss Lupin! Hello sir! Is there anything I can get for you?"

"Is it ok for us to help ourselves to some ingredients? We are going to do some baking."

"Of course Miss Lupin. Anything you need!"

"Thank you." Dad said, smiling at Dot.

"There is something I've wanted to tell you." Dad said, taking the whisk from my hand and mixing the batter for our pumpkin bread.

"Your birthday is coming up in a couple weeks now."

"My birthday?" I haven't had one in such a long time. Not since mum has gone.

"Yes, I was thinking the two of us could go away for a couple days. How would you like that?"

"I'd love it!" I said, throwing myself into his arms. "When really is my birthday?"

"October 26th. I was thinking you and I could go to my, our home," he corrected himself. "We could spend the weekend there."

"That sounds perfect!"

"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" A Gryffindor boy named Seamus shouted while running into the great hall.


"Sirius Black!" Seamus said, placing a paper on the table.

All attention has been brought to the center of the table, where several students had leaned in together to get a look at the paper.

"Dufftown? That's not far from here."

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts? Do you?" Another boy asked.

Sirius Black. I had seen several wanted posters of him in Diagon Alley. I had seen the posters but didn't give him much thought. Even in a short time here I've learned that Hogwarts is the safest place to be. But with the dementors around guarding the school it makes you wonder how true that is.


The chapter is a short filler but we have some more Sirius!! I'd like to know how you guys like the book so far. I really want to know what people think!

Word count: 843

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