chapter 1: Hunters

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[HUNTERS]"While it's in my mind, there's a girl who fits the crime "

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"While it's in my mind,
there's a girl who fits the crime "

song: in the meantime - spacehog


Tobermory, Scotland 1942

Dear Blair and Fiona,
The British are shipping our Battalion to Africa to fight with the Americans against the fascists. I will be on the front lines and unable to contact you for a while. There seems to be no end to this war, I only hope that the Nazi's never make it to our town and our family.
Now I am sitting in the infirmary waiting for my friend William to get his leg stitched up. You would never believe what happened to him, it wasn't a tank or gun, or even a missal that took it off. It was a man. But this guy, he wasn't ordinary. They say that combat can make men insane, you know shell shock or whatever they call it now. But I swear this was different, he seemed to have claws and teeth. Like a dog. He was running around the front lines tearing people apart, his eyes were glowing red, it seemed like he had rabies or something, some said it was a demon. I wouldn't know about that but I do know his bites hurt like hell, at least hearing William screamed made it seem like it. I think they're gonna let him go home if he lives, it's pretty hard to fight without half a leg. I'll never forget for as long as I live.
I hope to be home by Christmas but I'm not sure when the fighting will stop or even if we'll get a break before it does. But I miss you and can't wait to see my little sisters again. Fiona, take care of mother she hasn't been the same since father died, and make sure Blair keeps going to school. I don't care what that farm boy said, girls need to be smart just like boys do. And Blair, you should take some of the books from my room for your tutoring.
I wish you both well.
Love, Rory

Sisters Blair and Fiona Dunbar folded up the letter from their brother and placed it in the drawer with the others. "Do you think he'll come back?" The younger sister, Blair, asked as they sat on Rory's bed. Her voice slightly shaky as worry set in for her older brother. He was only 20 now and had been in the army since he turned 18.

Fiona placed her hand on her youngest sisters knee to comfort her. "He will be okay." She assured the 16-year-old. Fiona was 19 and took care of Blair. "He said he'll be back by Christmas." Fiona smiled slightly.

Blair gave her a blank stare. "He says he hopes he'll be back by Christmas, not that he actually will." She stated.

"Maybe if we act like he's coming back he will." Fiona told her. Fiona thought about the letter a moment longer. "What about his friend, William?"

"What about him? He was attacked by a rabid man." Blair deadpanned.

"Yeah, demon man."

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