chapter 28: the rave

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[THE RAVE]"scream your name stop of every roof,in the city of my heart"

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"scream your name stop of every roof,
in the city of my heart"

song: once more to see you  - mitski



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     Aaliyah sat on a rock in the woods waiting for Allison. She felt like they've been extremely distant lately, they needed time together. Not long later the Argent came to view through the trees, her phone light held out in front of her lighting up the area. Aaliyah stood up and ran over to her wrapping their arms around each other. They pulled apart and Allison cupped Aaliyah's face pulling her towards herself to plant a kiss on her lips. "I brought something." Allison smiled eagerly slightly pulling away from the kiss.

"What?" Aaliyah questioned and Allison pulled out a knife. Aaliyah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "You're not planning on killing me are you?"

"No." Allison laughed slightly. "Come on." Aaliyah followed her girlfriend to a tree where she held the knife up to the bark and started carving.


"What?" Allison turned to her girlfriend slightly offended by the judgment but continuing her task. "Look, this way we'll never forget each other."

"I wouldn't forget you anyways." Aaliyah wrapped her arms around the others waist resting her chin on Allison's shoulder.

"I know. Also means someone will know about us. It's proof." Allison sighed.

"You okay?" Aaliyah worried, Allison was acting slightly different, and her chemo signals were off the charts with guilt and confusion.

"I'm fine." Allison cleared her throat as she finished the carving:

A+A with a heart around it.

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