chapter 21: shifted

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[SHIFTED]"your moon eyes, yourtelescope, morbid fixation"

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"your moon eyes, your
telescope, morbid fixation"

Song: Spiracle - Flower Face



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     Aaliyah walked through the woods waiting for Allison to show up at the rendezvous point. She chewed on her lip out of boredom and nervousness as she waited. She saw a familiar silhouette move towards her with a phone flashlight in front of her. She squeezed her eyes shut at the bright light approaching her. Allison lowered the phone as the girls inched closer together. Aaliyah wrapped her arms around Allison's neck pulling her close as they kissed. "No one saw you, right?" The werecoyte asked.

"No, no one saw me." The girl shook her head.

"I uh, I have to ask you something." Aaliyah started.

"Go ahead."

"It's about your grandfather."

"Okay, I don't really know him. He's kind of just a guy who sends a check in the mail on my birthday."

"Does he know about me? Us?" Aaliyah questioned.

"No, my dad hadn't said anything." Allison shook her head.

"Okay, we just have to keep being careful."

"They're not gonna split us apart." The Argent promised. "I'm not leaving you. Ever. And they can't make me."

"I know." Aaliyah smiled down at her hands as she messed with Allison's. Aaliyah's eyes traveled up to Allison's, she leaned forwards placing her lips to hers.

"You're sure no one followed you?" Aaliyah asked again, pulling only slightly away.

"Totally, 100 million percent sure." Allison reassured. "My parents are out anyways."

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