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Y / N  P O V

We were heading to baste prison to pick up the fox sin ban. A lot I mean a lot had happened in forest of dreams.


' She is serpent sin Diane ' I thought as we reached her. Maybe hawk had said that the clown monsters were attacking a girl because he instantly felt dumb for saying shes a little girl.

" Lady diane! Lady diane! Intruders! Intruders came in to the forest! " The monsters said.

The serpent sin woke up grumpy because her beauty sleep was ruined. She picked up Meliodas squinting her eyes at him but as soon as she figured out it was her captain, she became a fan girl. Hell, she even tried to cook hawk for him but she let hawk go as Meliodas told to let hawk go.

From one look I could tell she liked him and he was unaware of it. Why? Of course because hes a perverted idiot in love with my sister.

Well soon enough the giant girl noticed me and Elizabeth her face instantly twisted in to a jealous and betrayed face. Then she slammed Meliodas on the ground as she punched him till there was a hole on the ground calling him a womanizer.

' what is this? ' I sighed as I deadpanned. Then Elizabeth had to explain that she had nothing going on with Meliodas. Then the giant turned to me and asked " what about you? " And I replied by " I have no interest in that pervert ".

As I looked at her with a blank face and that answer caught her and Elizabeth off guard as both their eyes widened.

Then suddenly a thunder struck and a man was standing infront of Meliodas. Judging by his appearance hes a holy knight and Meliodas seemed to know him.

And a fight went on, Meliodas pretend to be dying with his acting skills to get more information from the holy knight known as Gilthunder according to Elizabeth.

Surprisingly we did get some information from him, we got to know the locations where fox sin ban was and sloth sin king was.

Apparently the fox sin had got him self caught in baste prison and king was in a place called city of the dead.

Well after that serpent sin threw the holy knight to who knows where.


So now we are on our way to baste prison. I'm sitting in the doorway stairs and Meliodas was sitting on serpent sin's shoulder and apparently she doesn't like Elizabeth very much because she thinks Elizabeths likes Meliodas.

Well its painfully obvious she likes Meliodas but that idiot being an dumbass idiot is oblivious to it but thats not my business to meddle with.

Sooner or later I went inside the traven I found Elizabeth sitting with hawk as I went around the counter and sat in one of the chairs.

A while later Meliodas came in and Elizabeth went to him to talk about curing his injury well I did nothing because I know how stubborn that idiot can be, I can heal him later anyway after he falls asleep.

" I will be fine after I rest " he said as he went up to his room. I glanced at his fading figure up the stairs then to Elizabeth who stood looking at him going with a worried face then I went back to doing what I was doing.

" I will go and check up on him " I heard Elizabeth say. After I while, I heard Elizabeth scream " LORD MELIODAS?! "


I was heading to the village near baste prison alone with hawk mama because others had headed there in hurry to find a doctor for Meliodas and someone had to stay here in the traven so here I am.

Its not so bad its really peaceful without the perverted idiot ruining my mood and hawk screaming at him but I as well am worried about Meliodas.

After a what felt like 30 minutes me and hawk mama had made it to the village and to my suprise there were many pillars in the village and dead bugs. ew. " The pillars must be the serpent sin's doing " I thought as I walked through the village.

Soon I found Elizabeth, hawk and the idiot on a bridge. I ran to catch up with them. " Yo Y/n! " Meliodas said " Don't 'yo' me you idiot, you got me worried " I replied as I panted then I asked " where's serpent sin ? ".

To which Elizabeth replied " she went to baste prison alone to rescue lord ban " I just nodded as we headed to baste prison as well and while walking hawk updated me with everything that had happened while I was heading here with hawk mama.

Then suddenly we saw the serpent sin come.

" Diane! " Meliodas called out. " Oh captain! Why are you here? You should be resting captain " she said and when Meliodas was about say something she suddenly yelled " captain?! You holy knight give captain and everyone back!! " As she attacked Meliodas who she thought was a holy knight.

Meliodas grabbed Elizabeth while I grabbed hawk as we dogged her attack. Then we ran. She was running behind us before we hid.

Then a man and kid came out of nowhere and Meliodas yelled " oi you two run " but it was too late she had attacked them so Meliodas had saved them as he brought them to where we were.

There was a ring of a bell then Meliodas attack diane Yelling " you holy knight! Where's everyone?! Give them back! " As he attacked her.

Then it all connected ' they're under a spell.. ' I thought. They were fighting endlessly both were competing equal it was never gonna end till one runs out of energy.

I let out a ' tch ' sound and then Elizabeth who had enough of them yelled " PLEASE STOP BOTH OF YOU! " and it actually worked they got out of the spell.

Then a swarm of bugs like the ones I saw in the village then a bug like amoured holy knight came with a whip and again the bell rang taking serpent sin and Meliodas under the spell again.

" I-I'm scared " I heard the kid say as he hugged Elizabeth, I also heard Elizabeth reply " I will protect you even if I had to bet my life on it I promise " seemed like the bug holy knight heard that as well as she said " princess you shouldn't make promises you can't keep " as she made her bugs surround the kid like a tornado.

" Now you should keep your promise shouldn't you princess? "


This is it for chapter 10 hope you like it.... And as always do vote for my story :)

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