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Y / N  P O V

" so where are we going next? " Ban asked as he, King and Gowther sat at the bar while I sat with Elizabeth at a table near.

" did you get a lead on one of our members or something? " King asked, " Escanor or Merlin.... " Gowther said " nope. first we're infiltrate lioness and get my sword back, we can't let them hold onto that for long " Meliodas said which caught my attention. 

" what the hell you mean by that?! You lost it?! " I went and slammed my hands against bar table, " calm down Y/n! we're going to get it back " he said and turned to the other three men and asked " you'll all come with me right?! ". 

" sounds like a chore, so I'll pass " Ban said bluntly.

" it was captain's fault it was stolen in the first place..." he trailed, " take responsibility " Gowther finished and then I started to panic as I said " now what the hell are we gonna do, Meliodas?! " I paced around back and forth.  

He just pouted then went under Elizabeth's skirt " comfort me " he said and Elizabeth patted his head hesitantly, a nerve popped on my forehead as my eyes twitched ' this fucker ' I thought as was just about literally choke that pervert but Diane beat me to it as she screamed at him breaking the window in the process.

So now Meliodas is fixing the window as I panicked even more the longer they have it the more unsettling it feels. " ughh I should've never gave it to you! " I said to Meliodas as I paced back and forth thinking about a way to get the sword back.

" heyy, cap'n, Y/n, what's so special about that broken sword? " Ban whined and I looked at him as if he was dumb then Meliodas explained that it was the one of the key to break the Goddess's seal that sealed the demon clan 3000 years ago, The coffin of eternal darkness.

" one of the key? what's the other one? " king asked joining the conversation " the other one's right over here panicking " Meliodas said motioning to me and continued " they need a goddess's blood to break the seal and she's the last one left  " he finished. Lair. We both know there is a another one right here in this very room.

" then it should be okay as long as we protect her right? " King suggested and Elizabeth came to my side with Hawk nodding along with their plan as I had stopped pacing around and stood near the tavern door.

" no it's not enough, there is a possibility of druids blood working as well and- " I was cut off when someone appeared behind me and said " no, a druids blood did not work unfortunately now, Lady Y/n let's get going if you'll excuse us " she said as she reached to grab me, it was happening in slow motion as I looked at Meliodas who had jumped towards me trying to reach me, I extended my hand towards him with fear running through my whole body but it was too late. 

The dammed magician took me and Elizabeth and teleported somewhere.

M E L I O D A S  P O V

I jumped towards Y/n and Elizabeth, Y/n tried to reach towards me, fear was evident in her eyes but I was too late the Magician teleported with them.

Shit, shit, shit, shit. " DAMMIT! " I yelled then I hurriedly ran to get my sword and ran back out of the traven.

" captain " I heard Diane said, " to the kingdom! I'm going to rescue Elizabeth and Y/n right now!  " I said "but we're at least 40 miles away! " I hears King say, I turned to Diane and said " Diane! " and she got the order " got it " she said.

" hold on! I changed my mind I'll tag along as well " I felt my self get lifted, " Ban this is not the time to play around " I heard king scold him, I looked up at him and Gowther came and hugged Ban claiming he will go too

Diane lifted all three of us and she said " you have to rescue them, got it? " and I replied " yeah! " and the she threw us at the direction of the kingdom of lioness. 

We went at a very fast speed towards the kingdom of lioness as we soon landed with a loud crash, as soon as we landed I started running with Gowther and Ban following behind me as I ordered " our primary goal is to rescue Elizabeth and Y/n, keep fighting to minimum! ".

" Understood " I heard Gowther say " but when we do have to fight you're going all out, huh, cap'n? " Ban asked. 

" I'm ready to kill " I replied glaring at ahead of us.

Y / N  P O V

When I noticed it I was in a room and I got separated from Elizabeth. " fuck.." I mumbled to myself, ' I need to find Elizabeth and get out of here ' I walked towards the door, I tried to open it but is was locked so I kicked it very hard, maybe a little too hard because the door broke and fell out of it's place. 

' glad I had learned some close combat from Zeldris ' I thought and as I stepped out cautiously looking around but there was no one there just a empty hallway. 

It was fairly dark but I could see as I started walking I saw there was a another room, no it was more like a cell. I could sense a faint presence in there " hello.. is anyone in there? " I hesitantly asked there was a moment of silence, just when I thought I was mistaken " is someone there? " a voice from the other side of the door asked.

" I'm Y/n, do you happen to know- " I was cut off when I heard " father! sister Margaret! Lady Y/n! where are you?! " it was Elizabeth as she came into view, with Hawk? and took a notice of me " Lady Y/n! " " Y/n! " they both yelled as they came running towards me tackling me into a hug, I almost lost my balance but managed somehow. 

" is that Elizabeth? Elizabeth...is that you? " I heard from the other side of the door and Elizabeth pulled away before looking at the door " sister Margaret? " she said more like to herself.

" Big sister! sister Margaret, are you alright? " she asked as they were talking I turned to Hawk and asked " how did you end up here though ? " and he replied " I don't know, when I realized I was with Elizabeth in a room " so he was caught in between when the magician teleported Elizabeth.

" you two can talk later, first let's get out of here, princess Margaret could you please back off of the the door" I said as I was about to kick the door open but then the magician appeared again saying " plotting between three girls to escape? " she said and continued " with those cute faces of yours, how did you break out from your cell? ".

" let my sister out right now! " Elizabeth exclaimed " that's a huge misunderstanding.. Lady Margaret chose to be imprisoned of her own will " the magician said my eyes widen at the information she just revealed as I looked at the princess in the cell through the little opening in the door.

" do you expect us to believe that?! " Elizabeth exclaimed but the magician stood there unfazed and said " think whatever you like, now, Lady Y/n, Lady Elizabeth, I'll take you two to a much safer loca-  " she was cut off when hawk attacked her and started stating some nonsenses which I deadpanned at but that pissed off the magician as she did something to hawk, a bright light blinded us and I was sent back by a force an hit the wall unfortunately I hit my head, last thing I saw was a blurry view of the magician coming towards me then it all went black. 


good or bad? 

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