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Y / N  P O V

Now in total we have three sins inculding the fox sin ban. Well according to Meliodas hes immortal and honestly being immortal is not a very good thing not from my perspective.

And Elizabeth had to move into Meliodas's room as Ban had taken over claiming her room as his and I refused to share as I don't want her to know about my nightmares.

Right now everyone was at the bar and I sat in one of the chairs with Elizabeth beside me on my right and on my left ban was slumoed over a chair, infront of me Meliodas stood wiping a beer jar.

We were heading towards the city of dead to find the sin of sloth king and apparently he was the current fairy king who had been caught as a criminal for slaughtering a village  by Meliodas and a knight from lioness before he joined seven deadly sins.

"Caaaptain~~~ I've been wondering for a while but who is she?~~ " Ban asked Meliodas pointing at me as I peacefully sat there letting Meliodas introduce me.

" She? She is a friend, I was traveling with her even before seven deadly sins was formed " he casually said making everyone's jaw drop, ' what's the big deal about it ? ' I thought at their shocked reaction even Daine was shocked as she peeked through the window.

" Is it true Y/n?! Are you in love like relationship with the captain?! But you said you have no interest in him! " Diane screamed the questions at me and I replied " Its true, No I'm just his friend and I'm not interested in this pervert " as I looked at them with the most annoyed look.

And fortunately they didn't say any thing about me for the rest of the way. 

After some time we had soon reached the city of dead as all of us headed out Meliodas called out to us " now we open the traven! Lets get started " he said as he started to give out jobs to the all of us and in the corner of my eyes I could see Ban walking away. ' maybe I should walk away dome where like that, theres no way there is any one here to come to our traven ' I thought as I walked away as well.

In a distance I could hear Meliodas say " where did ban and Y/n go ? " I smirked as I walked further away. I was walking around when I saw ban talking some little girl. Then suddenly she fainted, I went to go to them as she had gained consciousness when Ban tapped her cheeks as he let stand on her own a boy a little older than him came with a digging fork.

As I got near them enough I heard the boy say  " stay away from my sister! " ' ohh he thought Ban was gonna hurt his sister ' I thought and before the little girl could explain what had happened Ban had come a step foward to them saying " Oi didn't you feed he- " he was cutt off as the boy in panick had stabbed him.

I sighed as I calmly walked up to them. As I stood there I heard the boy shutter " I-I'm s-sorry! I didn't mean to! " As he let go of the digging fork that he had accidentally stabbed Ban. 

And Ban decided that he would scare the living hell out of the kids by calmly pulling out the digging fork that had stabbed him. " He-he's ali-alive! " The kids yelled and I told them that he was immortal and when we stood infront a house which was apparently the kids house as we had accompanied them. Ban was about to tell something.

But then a spear came in light speed stabbing him as he choked out blood. There was a boy on the spear as he said " hey Ban " and then the spear started to spin as it pierced through Ban. ' this is getting ugly and annoying.. ' I thought as I watched then start to fight. Ban was fighting because he did do anything and a boy suddenly came to attack him for no reason. In short he was annoyed.

" You are immortal because you drank the fountain of youth, to drink that you killed the Guardian saint protecting it, her name was Elaine and she was my sister! " The unknown boy said as he attacked ban with is spear and then Ban had stopped as he looked at the boy before asking " who the fuck are you ? " .

He didn't get a answer but the spear transformed into small mini spear like things as the came attacking. Then it hit me it was just like as Gloxinia though it was far weak than Gloxinia's sprit spear.

" Hey you. Are you the current fairy king? " I asked him in a cold tone as I looked at him blankly. He looked taken aback just for a moment before he regained him self as he said " you.. who are you? How did you know that? ".

" No one for you to know " I replied simply before Ban went to attack now the current fairy king and again it went back to the equally matched fight from both males.

As Ban was thrown to a wall I knew I had to step in or it will keep on going forever and just before I was about to step in Meliodas came hitting Ban in the head with a wooden beer jar.

" First you ran away and now picking fights ? bad Ban " Meliodas said in a sarcastic tone. " He suddenly attacked me captain " Ban replied pointing at the boy who was up floating in the air.

Meliodas looked at the boy who he was pointing at before his eyes widened as he yelled in suprise " king! "

' what the fuck? '

Was my first thought. As me and Ban's jaw dropped as we said in sync " HUH?! ".


Hope you like this chapter... As always reminder to vote my story please ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ .

Btw my exams are coming in 3 weeks ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ... so I might not update for anytime soon but I will try my best to update more chapters.

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