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Y / N  P O V

" Hey princess! Don't go there! You'll get hurt! "

I yelled at Elizabeth who was walking towards the tornado to save the kid. " I made a promise and I will keep it even if I have to bet my life on it " she replied without even stopping or looking at me.

" Geh... " The bug holy knight let out a sound as looked in disbelief. I gasped lightly as she went inside the tornado wincing as she received cuts from the bugs. She hugged the kid once she reached to him. Then the holy knight drew back the bugs of her as she got pissed as Elizabeth had kept her promise.

" You are really something princess " the kid suddenly spoke in a deep voice. The realization hit me as I yelled at Elizabeth " get away from that kid princess! " it confused her as she didn't move the kid grew into a holy knight holding a stick with a bell in it.

And that moment I knew he was the one who put the spell on Meliodas and the serpent sin. " You were the one who put them under the spell right?! Turn them back! " Elizabeth yelled from below the holy knight holding his clothes.

" Do you think your in a place to order me still princess? " That holy knight said as he took her in a choke hold and to Elizabeth spitted on the holy knight pissing him of and the holy knight gave her a hard blow using his stick.

" Princess!! " I yelled. That holy knight is gonna pay for this by his life. I felt rage run through my body as four wings grew on my back and my eyes turned orange gaining a triskele.

In a flash I was Infront of that annoying holy knight as I gripped his hands which were trying to grab Elizabeth again. Meliodas had also came to Elizabeth by now because fortunately Elizabeth bit off the bell on his stick and the spell broke.

" Meliodas, I'll heal her " I said. No other word exchanged we had switched our places in an instant before Meliodas gave him a blow which made him fly off and as Meliodas was a out to go after him and I said " give him a taste of hell ".

He smiled before he replied " yeah! " As he went off to finish him off as I focused on trying to heal Elizabeth as the serpent sin finished off the bug holy knight. I couldn't use my powers as I should so I could only heal a portion of the damages Elizabeth took.

As I healed Elizabeth I felt a piercing pain on my left arm.

" Hey you... What was your name again? " Diane asked as I panted as my left arm felt like it was burning " Y/n..." I said as I panted. " Y/n you have wings, your eye colour changed as well.... What are you? Your not a human nor a fairy.. " she said and i replied " I will tell you when the right time comes " .

She was hopefully satisfied with that so we headed towards the baste prison with Elizabeth in her backpack to meet up with Elizabeth.

Soon we met up with Meliodas at the front door of the baste prison before we headed in and before we headed to get the fox sin we had went to save a daughter of a doctor and she fainted as the serpent sin pulled the cell door.

On the way we ran into the fox sin, Meliodas and fox sin stood in silence as hawk asked serpent sin in a whisper " are they gonna fight?! " To which she replied " yeah something like that not serious though " and before I could say something the both men yelled " Ban! " " Captain! " As they both ran towards each other high fiving really fast and then they both punched each other and then they started arm wrestling.

I stood there in disbelief " serpent sin.. do they always did that shit ? " I asked " please don't call me that you can call me diane we're friends right? And yeah they always did that when ever they met... " She said the last part as she sighed. " Friends huh... " I mumbled then the building started crumbling as both men used their brute strength.

' that stupid idiot ' I thought as we were falling down with the crumblings of the building.


We were at the doctor's house who diane and Elizabeth went to with Meliodas. And to save his daughter from the holy knights he had poisoned Meliodas and as to return the favor of saving his daughter he offered us dinner.

Elizabeth had now woken up but still was in bed due to the hard blow she took. I could only heal her cuts. " Are you okay now princess? " I asked as I went to her " I'm fine thanks to you lady Y/n and please call me Elizabeth " she said " your welcome but I prefer calling princess " I replied.

Then after some time the fox sin introduced himself " meet the fox sin Ban, Y/n, Elizabeth " Meliodas said and the fox sin said " Hello princess and miss I'm Ban ". I don't know why I'm in the getting introduced to group.

" I'm Y/n " I simply said " I'm Elizabeth third princess of lioness " Elizabeth said.

The night went on with ban getting shocked when hawk spoke and then getting drunk while drinking with Meliodas. I only drank a little as I know my limit to withstand the alcohol.

Then there were shooting stars in a cross sign...it maybe beautiful but it is a sign of the holy war and I frowned looking at the stars.


Thats it for chapter 11.. hope you like it :) ohh and please vote for my storyy

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