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Y / N  P O V

" you see that Ellie, he after all is a monster, this stone is only capable to seal demonic beings " Veronica said when Meliodas got sealed in the goddess amber as she held it out to show it to Elizabeth.

 Elizabeth instead to of listening to what her sister was saying she snatched the goddess amber and pointed Meliodas's broken sword at them. " bring Lord Meliodas back to way he was before! " she demanded.

" I don't know how to do that " Veronica replied to which I thought ' you may not but i do very well know how to the second princess of lioness Veronica '  and I was about to tell that out loud when Elizabeth yelled " I hate you, Veronica! You don't know anything about Lord Meliodas! ".

" princess, we should go before they do something " I said wary of the knight behind the second Princess, as I said that " Griamor " Veronica called out and he replied " understood, Perfect shell " he said as me and Elizabeth got traped inside a purple round shell " shit! " I said pounding on the shell hoping it would break but it was useless it would even budge " Lady Y/n, it's useless, there is no other choice but to take you both to the kingdom like this " Griamor said.

Just then Hawk came to help ponding on it with his legs but it was useless and Griamor went oin saying how strong it is and it can't be broken " maybe I'll crack it open with just an arm, actually scratching it with a finger would be enough " we all heard Ban's voice say.

We all turned to see him holding the Princess hostage, " get your filthy hands off of Veronica " Griamor demanded " you coward taking a woman as hostage- I mean good job Ban! " Hawk yelled and  ban said " as long as you do as I say I won't hurt her. Fisrt bring back cap'n, second release the princess and Y/n from that ball. Once that's done I'll return her ". 

But as he said that a light blue haired girl came and slashed at his back making him release her " You... Jeleco? " he muttered as he fell and the said woman put her leg on his back before correcting her name " it's Jericho " she said and Gulia came behind her as well. 

' tch, reinforcement? ' I thought and then Hawk went to attack then but he was countered with Gulia's explosion " Hawk! " I yelled as he was thrown away. Gulia then came foward saying " we've completed all our objectives, sir Griamor please release your power, if you'd be so kind " and the said man complied and released us.

Gulia then came and kneeled down extending her hand to Elizabeth " here, princess Elizabeth " but her hand got pushed away as Veronica came and said " hold it, I appriciate the asssistance but Elizabeth will be going with me, your... Hendricksen's objectives were to capture meliodas and his sword, wasn't it? " she said but when she said that the holy knight pointed her weapon at Veronica as the other female holy knight came to back up Gulia.

" please be obedient and hand over princess Elizabeth and Lady Y/n, if not- " Gulia didn't get to finish her sentence as Griamor traped them in his perfect shell and said " I won't allow such insolence towards Princess Veronica.

Then Veronica started to say something but Elizabeth grabbed my hand as she ran dragging me with her, as we ran I could her Veronica calling out for Elizabeth to stop and as she caught up suddenly she stepped somewhere there was a light I felt a bad feeling as I quickly pushed both Elizabeth and Veronica out but I pushed Veronica too lightly as she didn't go too far from me and next thing was a very painful feeling surge through my whole body then it went all black. 

I just hope Veronica survived even if i don't like her that much I don't wish for her to die. 


[ Elizabeth Pov ] 

I was pushed away by lady Y/n and as I turned around I saw her burned bleeding body laying near me and I saw Veronica on the other side as she got caught in it too but its just as if she got just scratched compared Lady Y/n who was all burned. 

Lady Y/n was unconscious. I tried to see if she was alive, I tried to shake her but she gave no response. I don't know why but a pang on pain came to me, my eyes started to water. I feel empty.

" no... why? Lady Y/n... wake up... open your eyes! " I cried out as I cradled her bloody fragile small limp body in my arms. I saw sir Griamor come to Veronica's side " Princess veronica! " i heard him exclaim. " my power killer mine surrounds this area completely, looks like I made the right decision to deploy it preemptively " I hear Holy knight Gulia say. " you swine bastarts " hawk yelled and Griamor was about say something but an explosion was thrown at him blasting him away. 

" oh I didn't expect Lady Y/n to save both princesses and sacrifice her self but even if its a corps it would be fine, after all corps or not she's still a goddess, now Princess Elizabeth, if you would, come with us, please refrain any pointless resistence " Gulia said " lady Y/n " I cried out. 

" please, help me Lord Meliodas! " I called out for him " Meliodas! " I yelled.

 Just then the stone broke. Lord Meliodas came out covered in markings. Suddenly he went to somewhere. Hawk came to my side as I stayed cradling Lady Y/n " Elizabeth are you okay? " he asked " I'm okay but Hawk.. Lady Y/n is " I trailed not able to finish the sentence.

Suddenly Lord Meliodas came back and started sniffing me? then he flew off to somewhere. 


sigh... this is it for chapter 19 

hope you'll enjoy....

His Goddess And Her Demon..| [ zeldris x reader ] | under editingWhere stories live. Discover now