Chapter 5

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"Good morning! Uh..." Taehyung pauses as Jimin follows Luna out of the apartment.

Jimin has a bag on his back, holding the straps like he is a kid ready for his first day of kindergarten. It's quite adorable and also completely juxtaposed with her past perceptions of him. The only thing she can see when she looks at him is the time she spent training with him. The terrifying anger in his eyes when he committed his first murder. The image of him panting deeply with ripped clothes and blood dripping down his body.

Now, he is wearing comfortable casual clothes with a bright yellow backpack strapped to his back, a huge grin spreading across his face as he looks between them. The only thing he is missing is one of those caps with the spinning top.

"Good morning, Taehyung," Luna sighs, "You remember Jimin?"

He nods, smiling as he bows towards him.

"Good morning," He looks at Luna, "Is he...?"

"Yeah, he signed up last week," Luna lies easily, "He's going to be doing the hospitality classes,"

"I see," Taehyung nods. After a moment he shrugs, gesturing for them to start walking down the hallway to the elevator.

Taehyung and Jimin talk comfortably with each other the entire way to school. Jimin is much better at pretending to be 'normal' than she is. She stands out like a sore thumb. A very grumpy sore thumb.

They talk about various things, Jimin introducing his 'character' to Taehyung as if it were his actual life. He talks about how cooking has always been his dream and that he has had his eyes on this university for a while. Taehyung glances at Luna occasionally; he obviously wants to say something to her.

"What?" She asks, chuckling, "Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

Jimin snickers as Taehyung flushes red, looking down at his feet as they walk across the pedestrian crossing.

"I just thought it was interesting," He mutters, looking at her, "Jimin is so comfortable answering questions, but you act like I'm interrogating you,"

Now it's her turn to blush as Jimin laughs louder, enjoying the show.

"Jimin is just an open book," Luna snaps, "Very emotional though, don't watch Titanic with him,"

"H-Hey!" Jimin stammers, "It's a sad movie!"

Taehyung and Luna laugh at his expression as they enter the university grounds. Jimin heads to the front office while Taehyung and Luna head to their first class.

They attend their first two classes before meeting Jimin in the food area. They quickly eat some food, when Taehyung makes a suggestion.

"Ah," He says suddenly, "You know, we forgot to study on the weekend,"

"Forgot?" Jimin cocks his eyebrow at Luna, "What were you doing instead?"

"We were talking, you..." She mutters some obscenities under her breath, glaring at Jimin. He just chuckles, enjoying poking fun at her knowing she can't do any real damage.

"Anyway," Taehyung continues, "Let's go to the library and study. I do have to catch up a bit today,"

"Sounds good, let's go," Luna says, standing up from the table with her rubbish. Jimin and Taehyung follow her, throwing their trash away before heading to the library.

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