Chapter 27

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TW: SA Trauma response mentioned

"Oh, good morning, Kitty," Yoongi grins, "I'm guessing your date went well?"

Luna flushes, unsure if she wants to punch him or laugh at him.

She has just entered the office, cheerfully humming to herself as she prepares for the morning briefing.

"What date? I didn't go on a date," Luna snaps, "Keep your thoughts to yourself meow meow,"

"Meow meow? Really?" He frowns. She can almost hear him hissing at her, grumpily sitting at his desk.

It really is like the pot calling the kettle black, huh?

She doesn't hate that he calls her Kitty. It stopped reminding her of Taehyung years ago after Jimin started calling her that as well. She really doesn't see what they mean. Taehyung started calling her that because she is standoffish, her name sounds like a cat's name, and she is below average in height. Jimin agreed, and Luna accidentally let it slip to Yoongi when he asked her why she was so spry and fit. So, it is now her official nickname with her friends, and it all started with him.

It all starts with him.

She started calling Yoongi a cat for similar reasons that they call her kitty, but mostly because he reacts so negatively to it. It's hilarious.

"Meeting time!" Seokjin calls out, sauntering into the conference room. All of the detectives jump up from their desks and rush into the room, bowing respectfully as they pass him.

Luna takes her usual seat, and the meeting begins.

Luna receives 2 new cases that came in last night. On top of her warrant going through and her perp being apprehended at 4 am, she has a lot of work to do today.

Yoongi is tasked with supporting Luna with all this work, which makes her grin smugly at him. He also receives a case, another gang-related crime.

Luna has started to notice that Yoongi receives almost all of the gang-related cases. He seems to be drowning in them, especially since there has been an increase in mafia activity over the past year. She's not sure why Seokjin won't hand them over to her, but she's pretty sure they have a secret arrangement sorted between them. At one point she was worried that they knew her past, but that's impossible. She wouldn't be working here if they knew she was once a criminal. Plus, no one else receives these cases either. She just hopes that The Reapers aren't behind this increase in crime.

Mr Lee dismisses the room, and they all make their way past him and Seokjin, bowing once again. As Luna passes them, Seokjin speaks up.

"Good job with the closed cases yesterday," He winks, "But your anger management course starts tomorrow,"

"Yes, sir," Luna mutters, feeling a little bitter.

This will be the third time Luna has had to do anger management classes after going a little too far with a perp. This one will be her last warning.

"You gotta listen this time," Yoongi teases as they make their way to their desks, "You're gonna lose your job at this rate,"

"I won't lose my job," Luna sighs, "Something worse will happen,"

"What?" Yoongi frowns.

"I'll be demoted," Luna pouts, looking up at Yoongi dramatically, "I don't wanna be a cop again,"

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