Chapter 8

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"Hey, are you listening to me?" Luna jumps, looking up at Taehyung with confusion.

"No, sorry," She mumbles, rubbing her forehead. She can already feel a tension headache coming on with all this stress with Jungkook. Her dreams last night were full of blood, revenge, and anger. His presence returning to her life has really forced her to spiral as she barely keeps her anger and fear at bay.

She wanted a fresh start, a new life with new friends and new dreams. She had really hoped it would all vanish when she got here, but that's not how trauma works, is it? Just because she's out of the situation, doesn't mean the memories won't haunt her like the ghosts of her victims. Now with Jungkook joining the picture, it's melding two chapters of her life that she has wanted to keep separate.

Currently, Taehyung, Jimin, and Luna are moving through the university to their classes, their usual daily routine. Only now, Jimin leads Luna to and from her classes, something he started doing yesterday. No matter what Luna says, he won't stop. She understands his current fear with news of Jungkook getting closer and closer, but it still makes her feel like he's babysitting her.

"What's on your mind?" Taehyung asks curiously. Jimin glances towards her but keeps his expression blank.

"Just stressed out these days," She smiles, trying to reassure him. He cocks his eyebrow at her, a strangely terrified look on his face.

"Well, now I know there is something wrong," Taehyung says firmly, "Because you are never this nice to me,"

"What do you mean? I can be nice," Luna frowns, folding her arms in annoyance.

"There we go," Taehyung grins, pointing at her face, "That's you,"

She rolls her eyes, sighing loudly.

"Yeah, whatever," Luna breathes as Taehyung chuckles at her response.

"I'll see you guys later," Jimin says quietly at the door of their classroom, smiling at them before spinning around to head back down the way they came.

"Bye," Luna returns his smile before following Taehyung into class.

They move up to their seats and set up their belongings in preparation for class. They still have that space between them, which Luna has noticed is because he likes to spread out. Once he is done, Taehyung turns to look at Luna.

"You know, you were pretty out of it yesterday, too," He observes, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he narrows his eyes, as if she is a complicated specimen he is trying to figure out.

"I'm just stressed, weirdo," Luna comments, all attempts of kindness out the window.

"You were acting weird on the weekend too," He points out, stroking his chin.

"Dude, there's nothing wrong," She snaps.

"Then why did you start blushing in the middle of that movie debate on the weekend?" He replies, "And you've been off in dreamland ever since,"

Oh no, Sherlock... She grimaces, trying to find an adequate excuse for her behaviour. Sometimes she really hates his observation skills.

"I wasn't blushing," She mumbles, contorting her face into a look of shock, "Why would I have been blushing?"

"I don't know... it's suspicious," He hums, still stroking his chin.

"Maybe it's because of that assessment I haven't been studying for," She points out, recalling their first study session where he was confused about her studies, "Maybe I just didn't want to admit you were right and now I'm stressed about it, hm?"

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