Chapter 14

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Luna and Taehyung stare each other down, standing in the middle of the hallway on the 4th floor of the apartment complex. Taehyung's jaw is tense as he waits for her to respond, and Luna's barely controlling her anger.

She taps her foot anxiously, trying to find the right words to direct at him. She is honestly too emotionally exhausted to deal with this right now.

"Well?" He asks, filling the silence.

"Well, what?" She snaps, "How am I meant to respond to that?"

"Like an adult?" He scoffs, "Surely you know how to have a conversation,"

She cocks her eyebrow at him, taking a step closer, biting the inside of her lip.

"Like an adult? Is that what you call this?" She scoffs, "Are you buying snacks for your boyfriend?" She mimics him.

"Wow, real mature," He rolls his eyes, "I don't know why I bother,"

"How else am I meant to respond? You want me to try and have a mature conversation with a child?" She smirks, "What's the point of that? The child is just going to ask childish questions and stomp his feet, like a child," She emphasises.

"I'm not acting like a child, you are," He frowns.

"Really?" She sighs, "Let's run through the list, shall we?"

Luna holds her hand up, listing everything off with her fingers, just like he does when he is trying to prove a point to her. She takes a threatening step forward, forcing him to take a step back.

"Firstly, you get into a dick-measuring contest with my ex-boyfriend," She begins, taking another step forward while he takes one back, "Then you get angry at me because my violent ex-boyfriend cornered me," She steps again, "Then you get very obviously jealous and act like you're not," She steps again, "Then you start flirting with Jaemi," She steps again, "And then you have the audacity to be angry at me?"

Taehyung leans away from her, his eyes wide as he processes this information.

"But I'm the immature one?" She adds softly. She can feel tears pooling in her eyes, but she really doesn't care. She should have walked away and left this conversation for another day. But she snapped.

"Well..." He pouts a little, shifting through his mind to find a reason to be mad at her, "Well, why were you flirting with Jimin? You said you two don't like each other,"

"He noticed you were glaring at him, and he had a theory," Luna smirks, "Want to know what that theory was?"

"What?" He frowns, confused.

"He wanted to see if you'd get jealous," Luna explains, "So, why were you so upset when Jimin held my hand?"

Taehyung freezes as if the realisation is dawning on him. He looks like a cornered animal, looking around for a way to escape. But instead of trying to escape physically, he's trying to traverse the complex corner he has found himself in.

"Because you lied to me!" He says triumphantly, "Plus, why do you care if I flirt with Jaemi?"

"And you're lying now," Luna sighs, ignoring his question intentionally, "Listen, I don't understand what your problem is all of a sudden. But the last thing I need is for you to jump on the slut shaming bandwagon with Jaemi,"

"I'm not..." Taehyung flushes, "I'm just..."

"Okay, I am going to explain this one. Last. Time," she interrupts him firmly, stepping closer again. This time, Taehyung does not step away, "I hate Jungkook with every fibre of my being. And I do not see Jimin as an option. If I did, I'd be dating him. But I'm not, because I don't like him, understood?"

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