Chapter 51

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"It's done," Luna mumbles, wiping her eyes with her sleeve as she slides out the back door of the building. She slides her gun into her holster, hiding it under her jacket.

"Good," Namjoon replies, "Rendezvous at the Training centre. Make sure you're not followed, we'll try to meet you there,"

"Understood," Luna mumbles.

"Faith... are you okay?" Namjoon mumbles.

"No," She breathes before quickly hanging up the phone. She doesn't want to talk about this just yet.

She can hear The Reapers from where she is, rushing from the fight they started. She can hear the members of The Crimson Silence yelling after them, their voices limited and weak after the attack. She wonders if any of them are dead. But she can't make out what they are yelling.

Maybe she was the only one who killed people tonight.

After stumbling down the alleyway for a moment, she starts to run.

Every time she blinks, she can see his body slumped to the side of the chair, his empty eyes staring up at her, a bullet hole between his eyes.

Why didn't he stop? Why couldn't he just change?

He had reached a point beyond reform, but when did he pass the point of no return? Was it when he received his first official job from Grim? Was it when he killed his brother? Or was it before all of that? Was he simply doomed to die a criminal's death from the start?

She wants these answers, she needs these answers. She needs something solid to cling to, a reason that she couldn't save him. Could it really be that she failed him? Like she failed Jimin.

Don't think like that, She chastises herself, it's not your fault.

She slides in behind a dumpster as the sirens get louder, moving closer to her location. They speed past her, turning down the street The Reapers were in, but they are long gone. Once the coast is clear, she sprints in the opposite direction, taking side streets, avoiding the main areas.

Soon, she finds herself in an area crawling with nightlife. People shuffle past her, barely offering her a glance. She moves through them, joining the moving crowd of people, heading to the nearest Taxi area.

She feels emotionally numb like her entire life has been leading up to this point. Now that it is all over, where does she go from here?

I should get in contact with my old therapist.

She hails a taxi and jumps in, giving them an address near her Training centre.

The taxi zooms off, leaving Luna's mind to wander to places she doesn't want to address anymore. She pulls out her phone, hoping for a distraction.

She manages to find one, but not the sort of distraction she wanted.

"Sir, can you head to the nearest Hospital instead please," Luna demands, feeling panicked.

"Yes, ma'am," The driver responds, changing lanes.

She thanks him, staring down at her phone, her anxiety increasing with each passing second.

RM: We'll be at the hospital. V got stabbed.

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