Chapter 31

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M - Mature

"Are you ready to give Seokjin that summary?" Yoongi asks, slowly organising all the documents so they can file them away into the filing cabinet.

"Seokjin?" Taehyung frowns, "Is this like a weekly thing?"

"Yeah," Yoongi sighs, "Each Friday I give Seokjin a rundown of what we have found and what we're looking into. He did say that he wants daily updates, but that's too much work for me,"

"True," Luna chuckles, "Plus, Friday is the only day Seokjin doesn't have an afternoon meeting,"

Yesterday, Taehyung joined the Mafia Task Force to help take down The Eye as they have surfaced in Korea, violently trying to take territory from The Reapers and other local mafia groups. So far, there have been very few whispers about the other local and international mafia groups that usually work in this area. The Eye seems to have silenced them very quickly.

The Reapers are still quite powerful in the area, a lot of this being charged by the notorious J Hope. Yoongi has suggested on numerous occasions that they should find him so they can use him as an informant. But Luna knows Hoseok too well. He wouldn't work with them even if his life depended on it. Plus, he hasn't heard much from The Eye in his area of work. Which might be because of his infamy.

Luna hasn't voiced this to Yoongi. She just tells him that expecting an arms dealer like him to work with the police is insane.

Today they have done a lot of work. Yoongi has been wasting time trying to figure out who J Hope is, which Luna redirected to trying to pinpoint the main base for The Eye. Taehyung has been combing through court documents that mention The Eye, which has provided them with some interesting information.

Apparently, 5 years ago The Eye seemed to change what they were doing, which is how they ended up in Korea. They are not sure what the change was, but something important must have happened. Luna can't help but wonder if the death of her father is what brought on the change.

Luna has been working on deciphering Yoongi's notes on a few of the cases. The chicken scratch scattered across various notebooks has been difficult to read and understand. But she has managed to gain a bit of insight into the past few months of work he has done.

He interrogated a member of The Reapers, which yielded no results. He also arrested a follower of The Eye, but he stayed quiet, going to jail in complete silence. He was killed within a week of his arrival at the prison. That is all Yoongi has been able to find, other than the other suspect that was killed the other day.

No wonder Seokjin is being rushed by his superiors.

"Am I coming?" Taehyung asks nervously.

"No," Luna smirks, "He's not your supervisor. But if he asks for you to join, we'll bring you next time,"

"Thank god," Taehyung sighs, "I'll be out at the car,"

"Okay," Luna smiles as Taehyung places a quick kiss on her forehead, leaving the room.

Yoongi finishes sorting out the files and locking the filing cabinet. Then they leave the room, heading straight to Seokjin's office.

They knock and enter, revealing Seokjin typing at his computer, completely exhausted from the long day.

"Oh, hey," He smiles weakly, "Have a seat,"

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