Chapter 11

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This is chaotic, so crazy.

When I realised my two separate identities were merging, I wasn't expecting the world to fall apart.

I didn't think my reality would collapse on me, or my friends would turn on me.

How is all this happening?

Should I just return and leave them to lead happy lives?


I didn't leave that life for anyone else but myself. If I want this life, I am going to have to fight for it.

Until my last breath, until my last glimpse of this life, I will fight.

So what if my identities merge? They are parts of myself, aren't they?

I'll do what it takes, even if I lose him.

I will fight.

. . . . . 

"Where is Taehyung?" Jimin asks, looking down the hallway in the direction of Taehyung's apartment as if he's just hiding down there.

Luna pulls out her phone and opens up the messaging app, reading through her previous messages to him.

LUNA: Morning, ready for school?

LUNA: Tae?

LUNA: Are you coming to school today?

LUNA: We are going to leave without you.

LUNA: Whatever.

He has seen every single one of her messages. He's not hiding that he's ignoring her; it's incredibly obvious. Honestly, she doesn't want to see him either, but she doesn't want to tell Jimin what happened. That would involve telling him that she has feelings for Taehyung, and she's not ready to kill Jimin just yet.

"Let's go," She mumbles, "He's not coming,"

"Why?" Jimin asks as she begins walking quickly towards the elevator.

"Just because," She replies.

All the way to school, Jimin continues to badger her about Taehyung. All the ignoring and stone-walling in the world could not hinder Jimin's curiosity. Eventually, he gives up, allowing them to walk in awkward silence.

As they approach the gate to the university, she spots the one person she was hoping she wouldn't see this early in the morning. Jungkook. He is leaning against the fence, his hands in his pockets with his leg resting on the other. His hair is hanging loose and curly around his face, making him look less like a criminal with his casual attire.

Luna attempts to walk right past him, but he obviously has other plans. He steps forward and reaches his arm out, so she runs into his forearm.

"Good morning, babe," He smirks as she turns to look at him.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"Same as yesterday," He shrugs, withdrawing his arm and stepping away, "Not leaving you alone until you come with me,"

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