The doctor

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Chapter 7

*Katy's POV*
It's been a two weeks since me and John got married and have been feeling like crap lately. I have been throwing up so much. I don't know what's wrong with me.

John and Tamra told me I need to go to the doctor so I agreed and went as soon and possible. I get to the hospital and the doctors tell me I need to do a pee test which would only take about an hour for the results. Which was fine.

An hour passed and the doctor just walked in. "He said John, Katy sit." He told me I was pregnant. I didn't know what to say. I was so happy and exited but also in shock.

After we left the hospital me and John now living with each other again, went home and just sat their thinking. We decided that we wanted to keep this secret until we find out the sex. We didn't want to get out parents hopes up and then let them down if anything were to happen.

"John. What should we name it?"

"I don't know. What do you want to name it?"

"Well if it's a boy... John Jr. If it's a girl... Kinzey."

"Babe. I love those."

"Good. I'm glad. I spent hours trying to find these names."

*Katys POV*
So today is the day John and I find out the sex of our baby. I'm so exited. When we found out we were pregnant we scheduled the earliest appointment today so no one would bug us while we were trying to find out what we're having. Tomorrow we're telling out family. I'm super exited.

*Johns POV*
So Katy and I just got to the doctor and were super exited. We go right back because no one is here to wait for. We get back there and were waiting for the doctor. The nurse walks in and starts the ultrasound. She tells us everything is fine and the doctor will be here in a minute. The doctor walks in and does his thing. He says. "John, Katy, your having a girl."

"John. We're gonna have a girl!"

"Kinzey it is." Says John

*Katys POV*
John and I just got back from the store for baby Kinzey. We got her furniture and a couple of bottles and little things she's needs. I think we should do a surprise baby shower. But not too big. Just a little close family and friends.

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