The accident

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Chapter 27

Katy: John! John! Get up. We need to leave right now.

John: baby what happened.

Katy: they got in an accident with the twins. Their all in the hospital

John: are they ok?

Katy: I don't know that's why we have to leave

*12 hours ago*
*Katy's POV*
My mom just took the twins. She wanted to take them to a movie and dinner so they could get out of house. She said she going to keep them over night. After they left we thought we might as well clean the house and get a little organized. After we were cleaning the house for about 3 hours we went swimming with Sawyer in the pool for about 30 minutes. We all showered, had dinner and got ready for bed. About an hour after we are we went to bed. In the middle of the night we got knock on the door. I woke up because someone was ringing the door bell a million times and knocking on the door really hard. I go see who it was and it was a cop. I open the door and ask them what their here for and that's when they tell me their here to take us to the hospital because my parents and twins were in the hospital from a wreck. I tell him to wait inside and I'll go get my husband and baby and that's when I went and got John.

Katy: I have Sawyer and all of out stuff and stuff for the twins if they need it later.

John: ok.

Katy: the cop is taking us to the hospital

John: ok. Let's go

The cop: you guys ready?

Katy: yes. Sorry we brought a lot. We didn't want to leave if it wasn't necessary.

Cop: it's ok. I understand

*Katy's POV*
   We just got the hospital. They tell us the only one ready to see is John. Kinzey is still in surgery. They had to do emergency surgery on the twins. John is stable but not looking good. He has breathing tubes, on tons of monitors and has tons of needles and IV's in him. It breaks my heart to see my little boy in so much pain. After 3 hours of being here they finally tell us we can see Kinzey. She... She has tons of broken bones and she has monitors for everything. There is so much on my miracle baby.

*3 months before he cheated*
Katy: John if you don't want to be with me I understand

John: baby. It doesn't matter. I'll always be here

Katy: John I might not be able to have kids. That's not something you'll forget.

John: Katy. I know. It will be ok.

*1 month later*
Doctor: good news and bad news. Good news is that you can have kids. Bad news is that you have to have surgery first.

*end of flashback*
My sweet Kinzey. You were my baby I thought I would never have. You came when things were worst. I know you can pull through. You are so strong.

Katy: John. Baby. Come here.

John: what wrong honey?

Katy: umm have you seen or kids?

John: I know baby. I was asking what else is wrong.

Katy: what if we lose one?

John: we won't

Katy: how do you know. Look at Kinzey. She's not improving. John is improving in some way or another every minute.

John: Katy. I know it looks bad but I promise you everything will be ok. Their strong like their Mom. Be strong for me, Sawyer and the twins. Someone has to be.

Katy: thank you baby. I love you.

John: I love you too baby

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