6 months...

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*Katy's POV*
   The twins are almost 6 months. I can't believe how big they've gotten. It seems like yesterday we were finding out we were pregnant. Kinzey is more advanced but also the smaller one. She's tall but skinny. John. He's not as advanced as Kinzey is. John is taller and more chubby.

*John's POV*
   The twins are getting so big. I can't believe their getting this big. They seem to be the same as all baby's their age. Kinzey is getting to where she's almost crawling but it's not. It seems like shes going to but she doesn't. She's so close. But John, he's not even close. It worries me. I know it's a little early but his sister is so advanced in that stuff.

*Katy's POV*
Tomorrow is the twins 6 month visit. They have to get shots and I'm not looking forward to it. I hate it when they cry so hopefully they don't cry too much.


*Katy's POV*
We are on our way to the doctor and the twins are doing super good. They are sleeping which is good. They didn't get much sleep last night. They were up all night. So John and I didn't get much sleep either. We try to switch off if one of them is crying we switch off getting them in the night but if their both cry all night we just switch who has what baby.

*At the appointment*

*Katy's POV*
Kinzey is doing perfect and her levels and where she would be are perfect. But John... He's slow. Because the doctors didn't catch that I had twins which is super rare, I didn't get all the right stuff I needed for twins. John just happen to be the unlucky one. They said it could of been Kinzey that had this. John has to have special medications to help him.

*I know it's been a while since I've updated. I've just been super busy. There's a lot that's going to happen soon. I'll try and update again soon.*

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