The Perfect Trio

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3rd Person Pov

As the 2 teams of three head to the field, the VAR stated that the keeper will of course be Blue Lock man as fouls and others will be taken by VAR. As for the bibs, Y/N's team got red while Karasu's has the white with Y/N's team starting first.

You: Alright, just like practice, ready, Hiori, Kurona?

Kurona: Yup yup

Hiori: Whenever you're ready.

As the whistle blows, Kurona passes the ball towards Y/N as Hiori stood back. Yukimiya guarded Kurona while Y/N was being guarded by Karasu.

Karasu: Are ya sure you don't want Hiori coming up front? I mean, what kind of idiot would challenge a 2 on 3 huh?

You: Me of course. If I don't improve here, someone back home won't be able to forgive me for losing. After all, I'm fighting to win after all.


Passing by Karsasu, Otoya immediately went for Y/N to cover for Karasu's lack of speed

Otoya: Sorry, you gotta pay a fee to pass this toll

You: *whistle* You're fast too, but I'm just better. Kurona!

Turning his back to Otoya, Y/N lifts the ball into the air high as Kurona gets in front of the ninja as Yukimiya was ready for the counter

Yukimiya: I won't let you pass.

Kurona: Who said I was gonna move?

Kurona one touches the ball as it immediately went to the side of the goal where Y/N was going to shoot.

You: Nice foresight, Sharky

Kurona: Gao Gao.


Yukimiya: Sorry, I let Kurona slip by

Otoya: No worries, it's just the start of the game.

Karasu: Indeed. Now, it's time to output.

Once the game started up again, Karasu was the first to handle the ball as he challenges Y/N to a duel. However, he seemed to be out of it as he glances to Yukimiya as he lets the ball roll else where.

You: (Is he stupid?! This is my chance, I can steal it!)

Karasu: Gotcha~

As soon as Y/N tried to steal the ball, Karasu immediately took it back as he pushes Y/N away, a good distance in fact as Y/N was now behind the Assassin

Karasu: Look dummy, sorry to say this to ya but I only play games that I can win. You see, I'm no good at challenging someone in their expertise. However, I can of course blast their weaknesses. Even though all of you are strong, you all still have weaknesses.

You: Mm?

Karasu: You ever heard of the term "The team is just as strong as its weakest link"? Y/N L/N, you're good on offense, but your defense against me is trash.

You: You cocky Crow! Hiori!

Karasu: All yours, Ninja.

As soon as Karasu passed the ball, Y/N immediately saw Otoya as if he just appeared out of thin air as Hiori immediately moved towards Otoya.

Hiori: Sorry, I can't let you me.

Otoya: No need to.

Sending the ball back to Otoya, they managed to even the score


Karasu: I'll keep poking you at where it hurts. Yukimiya told me about your defensive plays, Y/N, so I adjusted myself to fight you in case that ever happens.

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