Bastard vs Manshine IV

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Bastard- Manshine. C

Is what the score should have said. Why do I say this? Because when Yukimiya fired the ball to the left again, but was blocked by Nagi who had time to run back and clear the ball away.

Yukimiya: Fuck!

You: Shit... sorry, Isagi for spoiling your goal.

Isagi: It's alright... It was Kaiser's problem for getting in the way, that fucker... I'll kill him, I'll kill him if it's the last thing I do!!

Kaiser: Oh my, is that a new way to say "I love you"?~~ Dirty Yoichi~

The ball was on the right side now with Ness coming in to do the corner kick as the rest of Bastard Munchen and Manshine City take their positions to recieve the ball back. Of course, that being said, his true intention was to get the ball to Kaiser. However, fate had other plans for Bastard Munchen.

Kunigami: This goal...


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Bastard- Manshine. C

Kunigami celebrated his own goal as Bastard Munchen take the lead from Manshine City while Y/N and Isagi were analysing the playing field before Isagi got on his knees.

Isagi: Shit... I feel so tired...

You: It's because of Metavision, correct? It's your first time using it, so it drains all of your mental and physical energy out of you until you're a deflated whoopie cusion or in this way, a machine who's already runned down if they keep on working tirelessly.

Isagi: Yeah... as of now, I am no where close to you so... I'll go for the next big fish, Kaiser!

You: Good answer. (With that Goal, Kunigami's price will go up, I'll score the last goal, but I'm sure Yukimiya also wants that piece of the puzzle.)

Reo: (Isagi and Y/N's playstyles are defintely evolving. He's becoming more and more of a monster like Y/N, dammit. There's no point on being all hunged up about it, they have their playstyles and I have mine. Besides, on our team, build around Nagi, so our number one objective is to make his creativity spark. However, if we see a goal opportunity, we can score ourselves. I don't want to be the guy who never gets chosen!)

Reo tied his hair back up as he starts to become a new person, someone who can finally fight on his own.

Nagi: Hey Reo? I wanna beat Y/N.

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