Bastard Vs Ubers III

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Hiori Yo's Pov

Hiori: Y/N... please, guide me to you, take me with you to the field... I want... to stay here much longer...

I watched as Y/N gets in front of Kaiser's Kaiser Impact as I witnessed a jaw dropping shot

You: FIA!!!!

Hiori: He's having so much fun... Y/N... take me with you to the field... please. I want to have fun too.

3rd Person Pov

As the score changed to 3-1, from both teams, they have received multiple injuries with Kurona and Sendou both getting cramps while the Ubers' goalkeeper, Cannali, had 2nd Degree burns on his hands due to the gloves' protection being burnt off due to the friction and broken ribs being pushed back into the goal with ease.

Kurona: Ah... fuck... cramped... cramped...

Y/N helped Kurona feel better by helping him relieve the cramp

You; Don't worry, Kurona, you have done enough for today.

Kurona: Ah man, I still want to play as your duo. I guess my body isn't ready to match your tempo yet (pause)

On the other hand, on the bench

Snuffy: Get ready Fukaku Gen.

Fukaku; Yes, I'm ready!

Snuffy: Bastard Munchen sure is strong here. What a twisted two-pronged attack you all have. That Y/N too, he's evolving into a true dragon from a snake at this point

Noa: I wish you'd call that revolutionary

Snuffy: No, your tactics are not beautiful. But Y/N... he's perfect. However, he's being caged by low life forms, he should never be in the hands of apes like you, not here, so in this match, Ubers will dominate this match and hopefully by the end of this, take Y/N with us.

Noa: Back off Snuffy, don't make my job harder than what it's supposed to be. Besides, it's not like you can take him now

Snuffy: True, true. But what about after the Neo Egoist League? He'll be a Free Agent from there, it'll be easy for us then to negotiate a contract

Ubers: Substitution!


Fukaku Gen
Mark Snuffy

Bastard Munchen: Substitution!

#8 Alexis Ness
#5 Grim
#15 Ranze Kurona

#21 Hiori Yo
#38 Thomas Muller
#9 Noel Noa

Ness: No... no this can't be... I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING YET!!! Master, please reconsider, I'll get Lord Kaiser another goal! I'll-

Noa: Numbers matter more than expectancies, Ness. As of this game, you were only able to give Kaiser an Assist, that's the best you were able to do now. Grim, the only time you've ever touched the ball was during the throw in. For that, the two of you are on the bench.

Grim: Tch...

Ness: But-

Noa: My orders are final.

Ness: ... Sorry, Lord Kaiser... I've failed you...

Ness throws in the towel as he sits on the bench, gritting his teeth as blood fell out of it as he bit hard while Hiori took his position, taking off his jacket and sweat pants, walking towards the field

Hiori: Y/N...

You: Hey, Yo. So, you ready to take on the world with me or what?

Y/N offered a fist-bump to Hiori as he smiled and did it back

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