This is the new me

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3rd Person Pov

As the game ended, Y/N jumps into the air as he screams his heart out


As he celebrated with his team, the World Five panted as they looked towards Y/N specifically.

Luna: We lost... heh, it's not as bad when we get to a club level. Still, it's their win, let them have it.

Blake: Yes. This is just an assessment after all. But still... losing to a bunch of kids, it's humiliating.

Pablo; Well, there goes our first bonus goals. No matter, we'll just have to play seriously for the rest of our matches in order for us not to lose like now.

Loki walks to the Blue Lock group as he offers his hand

Loki: Hey, that was a good game, congrats on the win

You: Yeah *shakes hand* But if you guys took it to the next level at the start, then we would have been screwed from the beginning of this assessment.

Loki: Haha, yes, that's true. Your skills are unbelievable for a 16 year old and for a Japanese, heh, seems like we did underestimate all of you.

You: You did.

Silva; Just wait until the World Cup, bucko! We'll get you good next time!

Blake: Don't you dare lose to anyone until I get a chance to crush you with my team in the Premier League.

Pablo; Indeed, I'll have to report this to Dybala and Messi, those two would definitely want to see how you do against them or better yet, together with them.

Luna; Heh, and I'll have to report this to Sergio Ramos and Courtois, those two better watch out when you come to the Spanish League against Royal Madrid. Who knows, maybe you'll face Itoshi Sae when he becomes of age to join us on the main team.

Loki: We'll be taking the showers now. Same goes for me, Y/N, one on one, the score may be different, but on the big stage, I'll crush you whole heartedly.

You: I can't wait and report me all you want, Luna, Pablo, makes it more fun for me to show who's the real number one.

The five of them left as Y/N and his team walked the other way with a pleased victory while Y/N talks to D/N with points to use.

D/N: I'm guessing you want some new skills?

You: Heh, yeah. Let's go with Shidou's Drive Style, Dada Silva's Ariel battles, Adam Blake's Physique, and Leonardo Luna's Dribbling.

D/N; By the way, every pro player you absorb, you use 2 points. So, you have 1 left.

Y/N's Weapons:
Foul King
Direct Shot
Lefty shot
Expert Ball control
Sharp Analytic Ability
Midfield General
Spatial Awareness
Sharp shooter
Gyro Shot
Air Battle King
Monster Physique
Meta Vision
Drive Style

Blue Lock Special Conference Room

Ego was chatting with officials from the JFU as they were surprised by how much they would be paying each member of the world five. About 500 million for all 5 of them, and an extra 1 million for every goal bonus in yen as they were arguing with Ego who was sitting there with his crocs

Ego: "If you love your child, send them out into the world." The point of this assessment is to get them to experience the world in the project in these dire times. I don't expect you old timers who have gotten used to losing. To dream big, so just shut up in your corner.

A Striker's Duty (Blue Lock x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now