Ness' Jealousy

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3rd Person Pov

In Germany's Stratum monitor room, Kaiser was looking at past data of previous matches but most of the data was on Y/N's plays and clips of him as one big screen was on his very own Kaiser Impact, the Supreme Fire Shot as Ness came in.

Ness; Pardon the intrusion, Lord Kaiser. I admire your admiration to go over the game footage, but you're stressing your eyes out. Here, your blue light glasses.

Kaiser takes them before putting them on.

Kaiser: Hm? Oh, thank you, Ness, this is one of the reasons why I like you.

Ness; *takes it as a confession* Thank you!

Kaiser: Hey Ness. I crushed all that dared to stand in my way. Rookies, 2nd class veterans, fading superstars... You could say that the only time I am happy is when I crush to dreams of others. But him...

Kaiser pauses the video as it showed Y/N who was pushing Kaiser away.

Kaiser: Japan's most sacred weapon and ace, the Rising Raiju, Y/N L/N... Some people call him the Kobe Bryant of Football due to his mentality, the Black Mamba of football. When I first saw him, I thought he was just another scrub for me to crush cause Japan has no one besides him and Yoichi that are good in my eyes. But in our last game, he surpassed my expectations, what do you think, Ness?

Ness: T-That's because he copied you! He made a shot which was inferior to the Kaiser Impact, a fool he was for trying to copy you- Eweh!

Ness: T-That's because he copied you! He made a shot which was inferior to the Kaiser Impact, a fool he was for trying to copy you- Eweh!

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Kaiser tosses his drink at Ness to shut him up.

Kaiser: Wrong answer, Ness. I'm asking why does Y/N still dare to defy me even though I am showing him that I can compete better than him. I keep throwing him into the mud, but he keeps getting back up, like a damn animal or a zombie. Like Yoichi, the more obstacles that are being thrown into his path, the more excited they get. Plus, they always pass by the skin of their teeth. Y/N and Yoichi have become game masters disguised as fools!

Ness: That doesn't mean anything, Lord Kaiser! You're still stronger than him!

Kaiser: I digress. Tell me, Ness, why did I come here to Blue Lock?

Ness; Well, to show the world that you are Noel Noa's equal. Or... to use the Neo Egoist League's auction to boost your branding to win a higher higher bid, forcing yourself out of Bastard Munchen.

Kaiser: Correct. Anyone with a brain knows that Bastard is Noel's team. In a team that is Noa-centric, I am just a secondary character. As of now, I cannot compete with the World's Number 1 Striker. That's why I decided to play in the Neo Egoist League. But Y/N... haha... that damn striker, he's exceeded my expectations the more I play with him. He's already got 5 times the net worth and salary than me. If I can devour Y/N, my value will sky rocket. As of now, Ness.

What Kaiser said next may- No, it is guranteed that what Kaiser said made Ness' self esteem plummet into the ground.

"Between you and Y/N in a duo, I'd choose Y/N over you, he's way more useful than you anyways."


Ness: ... E-Excuse me, Lord Kaiser...

Ness walks out of the room as he bites his lower lip hard as he clenched his fists together

Ness; Fuck... Kaiser is... more interested in someone... other than me!!!

 other than me!!!

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Fuck you... Y/N...

Location: Blue Lock Germany's training room

Y/N, Raichi, Kurona, Isagi, Yukimiya and Hiori were practicing multiple stages from wind sprints to quick one two short passes  off the ball training. During the last training, Y/N challeneged Yukimiya as he received a pass from Hiori before firing it into the net.

You: FIA!!!


Yukimiya: Dang... you got me again, the way you shook me off was plain nasty.

You: Uh huh...

Isagi: Dammit, the more we train, Y/N's strength just keeps flowing higer and higher.

Raichi: Is this guy even human?

Isagi and the others then took a break as the raven haired striker thinks of a way to become better and improve himself because his chances of winning are still 0%, what can he get to fit his newest puzzle?

You: Thinking of how to improve again, Isagi?

Isagi: Huh? Uh, yeah, how'd you know?

You: Whenever you're doing your funny puzzle time, you have your left hand over your mouth and have like a 10 minute monologue with yourself.

Isagi: Eh?!

You: Haha, it was quite obvious. Anyways, what you need is to become ambient footed. Shooting with your right is good and all, but as a striker, you need to use both feet to shoot and dribble.

Isagi: Yes... yes with that... yeah... it's perfect. Thanks, Y/N, I owe ya one!

You: Anytime brotha. Now, where's Ai-


You: AI?! AI!!!!!

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