Blue Lock returns

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3rd Person Pov

An uproar of fans appeared out of the blue as thousands wanted Blue Lock to stay, they wanted Japan to win the next world cup.

What Y/N said sparked a fired inside all Japanese fans as the board of directors had no choice. Not only they will lose money, they'll lose content for all they cared about.

With that being said, Y/N was training in the gym as Ai was going back to becoming an idol in a week if nothing happens

You: Come on Ego, send the call...

And oh boy was he right to say that. After finishing up, he was sent a message.

"In 2 weeks time, All Blue Lockers return to camp for the 4th Selection."

Everyone from Blue Lock got the message as they were happy to see that the directors came to their right mind and allowed Blue Lock to stay.

Hiori: ... It's... not over yet... mom dad wait, Blue Lock is back!!

Along the way, many clubs were calling Blue Lock all thanks to Ego as one of them had a blue rose tattoo on his left arm.

Along the way, many clubs were calling Blue Lock all thanks to Ego as one of them had a blue rose tattoo on his left arm

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???: Du bist groß genug zum Fressen, Vermillion Thunderbolt, Y/N L/N... Ich werde derjenige sein, der dich vernichtet. (You're big enough to eat, Vermillion Thunderbolt, Y/N L/N... I will be the one to destroy you.)

A/N: Some of you are wondering which Team you're going to, right? Well here are the votes!

Barcha- 4
Ubers- 6
PXG- 0
Manshine City- 0
Bastard Munchen- 7

A/N: Surprisingly, while I was making the U-20 arc, someone voted for BM last minute

Cameras snapped continuously as Y/N stepped out off the bus with the thirty four other survivors of Blue Lock's "First Phase". The next stage in becoming the best striker in the world had finally come.

Shidou: Explosion arrives!

You: Try not to get as many red cards, Shidou

Shidou: Anything for you~

Isagi: Thank goodness that Y/N made that speech, or else we'd be back to our normal lives again

You: Hah, I never allowed that to happen, Blue Lock is indeed the key to Japan's success, that, I can confirm after being on the U-20 team

Coming out of the long corridor, they entered the main room to find unexpected attendees there as well. The ones who lost their position to Blue Lock Eleven, the regulars of Japan's U-20 team.

Shidou: You guys came too?!

Aiku: Ego's the one that called us. He said he wanted us to be apart of his new project, too. And we couldn't just say no, now could we?

A Striker's Duty (Blue Lock x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now