Chapter 1: Willow's POV

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Past. Present. Future.
What is the difference between these three?
I can't seem to figure that out. Since everything in my life always seems the same.
But there is a difference. A major difference. And the hard part is using the differences to your advantage.
The past is something that has already happened, and most of the past has formed the person you are now. Either it has made you stronger and wiser, or weaker and without any confidence at all. At least for me, that's the only two choices. Sure the past can be bright and happy also, but even the happiest moments in my life seem so lifeless now.
The present and future, that's something that perhaps I will explain later, because it's not relevant to this time.
This is the time my life went downhill. And all because of some terrible things in the past.
The trouble began on a cold night at the palace in Arendelle, like always. Nothing ever seemed to change around here. All I ever did was avoid socializing and sit in my room. But tonight, there was a strange twist from my usual life. I was in my bed, half asleep, when I heard the sound of someone walking past my bedroom door. Now other people might just think it was the wind and shrug it off, but of course, I was immediately wide awake and ready to explore. I got up, hesitating to twist my doorknob.
It could just be a servant, I thought to myself.
My heart was beating fast as I pushed the door open, unsure of what awaited me. I walked through the halls quietly, until I finally came upon it. Walking towards the great room, was my mom? My worries faded away as I looked at her. But something was different. She looked cold, harsh, angry.
"Mom, what's-"
Anna, my mother, scowled. "Willow go back to bed, I have enough to deal with already."
I bit my lip, confused and slightly hurt. "I was ju-"
My mom gripped the sword in her hand tighter. "I said go! Willow, I'm tired of you talking back. You're a princess, act like one! Quit being such a baby and go back to bed."
I was silent, taken back by her words. "I'm not being a baby, Mom I was just..."
She pointed the sword at me, "Willow, I've had enough of this. Everyday is the same thing! 'I just' or 'Can I just' or 'I'm a person too, I have an opinion that might help.' But here's the thing, I don't want your opinion! It's never needed, ever! You're not needed!"
"Well I-"
My mom finally snapped completely, "Go to bed you disgrace of a child, now! I never even would have had you, if I knew what a pain in the neck you would be now! So leave! NOW!"
I held back my tears as turned to leave. Even then she kept calling me names, and only as I reached my room did she stop. I pushed my door open, looking upon the place that was my prison. No wonder they always had me locked in this room, didn't let me help out, or even speak really. It was because they didn't care for me. Didn't even want me. And I'd had enough of it. I wiped off my tears roughly and marched to my closet. After I changed into something more suitable for a journey, I grabbed my boots. Where did mom keep them? She had to have at least one left. I peered out of my room in the direction I'd last seen my mom, but no one was there. I better be quick then. My mom and dad's room was down the hall, and I just needed to find what I was looking for. I stayed along the walls, trying to blend in. As the floor creaked under me I raced into the room, pulling the drawers open. And then, in the corner I found them. magic beans. Just one bean, had the power to make a portal, to anywhere. And going anywhere means leaving this wretched life. I was determined to make it out of here, as soon as possible.
So I grabbed one beans, and shoved them into my pocket as I headed towards the great hall. But what I heard greatly disturbed me. It was Anna and Elsa arguing. Ingrid's voice was in the middle of it all. Something about Ingrid is so suspicious. She claims she's my aunt, but I don't think that's true. I peeked out from behind a wall to watch them, even though i was risking my escape plan. My own mother was holding a jar, pointing it at Elsa. Elsa was trying to calm her down, and failing. Then suddenly, Anna pulled off the lid, and Elsa turned into liquid, sucked into the jar. Tears streamed down my face as I turned, pushing my way through everything and everyone. I needed to leave. First, mom hurts me. Then her own sister! It was too much. I pushed open the final door and walked out into the open streets. Out into the unknown. I stumbled over a rock, blinded by my tears. I wiped them away and looked up to realize it was morning already. Some of the townsfolk were already outside, going about their own business. Some gave me glances, knowing I didn't fit in. I didn't give them a second thought as I kept running through the town. My mother yelling at me was the only thing on my mind, until it happened. There was another reason I always stayed inside: my powers. Light magic. Anger or pain always seemed to make me lose control. Otherwise I was okay. And now I was in both, which means my magic was even worse. I shot magic at a random house, leaving a black mark on it. Yet another reason to get out of here as soon as possible.
Moments later, I had reached the edge of town. I looked behind me at the village, at the damage I had caused. It wasn't as bad as it could have been. In front of me, children, young and careless, played at the entrance to the forest. All that was standing in my way was them. I held my hands behind my back as I spoke softly. "Hi, can you please move a little so I can get past?"
The children simply looked at me and continued their game.
Don't get mad Willow, just ask again. "Okay, I don't wanna say this again: please move." I held my hands in front of me as I tried to get past. They threw their ball at me. I looked at them irritated, "I said move!"
One of them asked, "Why?"
I huffed, "Because I said move!"
They didn't. Then the worst happened. My magic shot them, all of them. I was so irritated, it just happened. I gasped, tears pouring out of my eyes again. The villagers were coming after me now, I could hear their shouts. How much angrier would they be when they found their children dead? With a heavy heart I stumbled across the small field. I heard something whoosh past me, and I looked up to see a arrow embedded in the bark of a tree. My anger rose as I turned to look at an angry villager behind me. "What do you think you're doing?!"
He raised his bow again, arrow pointed straight at me. "Avenging my children."
I stumbled back, my heart beating fast. "I'm sorry, I didn't me-"
He shot another arrow, but this time I was ready. I dodged away, and once again, my magic blasted at him.
I had to move past it, and now as I stood in the middle of the forest, I fingered the bean in my hand. Time to change my future. No matter what I did here, I had to go. I was sorry for all the trouble I caused, but I couldn't bring the children back to life. I couldn't even think about it without crying in pain. But the villagers were getting closer, and I had to leave. I tossed the bean onto the floor, and it grew into a great portal. It glowed green, and it seemed to suck everything in. Including me. Before I knew what was happening, I had fallen inside, with not a clue where I was going or what would happen.

(Hey guys, how was this first chapter? I don't know if I'm going to keep the cover of the book the same because I might come up with a better one, but for now I hope it looks fine!)

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