Chapter 19: Willow's POV

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I shivered slightly, pulling my small cloak closer to me. Bradley had been gone for over an hour and the fire had died out, but Sabrina was still here with me. Her face was pale, but she wasn't shivering at all.
"When is Bradley going to come back?"
She shook her head. "I don't know. They're going to suspect something if I don't go back to camp quickly, and we need to go get something more. You're freezing. I'm going to have to make a trip to the ship and find a good stack of blankets."
"Just stay here..." She sighed, wrapping the cloak closer around me. I nodded. I knew I looked dreadful and I was cold and I needed to be helped, but I didn't want Sabrina to leave. She might not come back.
"Please just, don't take that long...."
She nodded and headed out into the forest.
I shivered and went closer to the dead fire. If I could somehow heat it up. I was too weak to someone much magic, but I tried anyways. My hands shook as I formed a small ball of light, and planted it. A small fire grew on the wood. But the wind was strong here, and before I could even blink, the fire had died away.
"No!" I screamed. I couldn't even feel my leg anymore. "No no no no no!"
Pan walked over to me, examining the camping area. There was no doubt he noticed that all this stuff couldn't be mine, because I didn't own anything really. So when he asked who's this all was, I was forced into a lie.
"I found it washed ashore, a shipwreck or something. So I used it."
He came closer and kneeled down next to me.
I had to play it casual, but in truth, I was nervous. I've never kept a secret with Pan, except for my identity, which I've never told anyone. But Pan never thinks about my past, from what I know. So that's not a problem.
"What happened to your leg?" He stated it so calmly, it startled me.
"I fell from a tree and it hurt me. I'm fine really..."
He removed the covering from my wound carefully and rolled his eyes. "Your lips are purple and you look pale. You are not fine. Come on."
I stuttered slightly as he picked me up and carried me into the woods. Felix was waiting outside.
"Why are you here?" I snapped at him.
Pan gave me a little pinch on the arm. Obviously he didn't like that I was angry, but I didn't care. Felix had no business being here. But Pan seemed to have better things to do, because he set me down to lean against a tree and struggle to stand while he stalked off. Rude.
"I'm here for Pan... You see, when you suddenly disappeared... I became Pan's new... What's the right words?"
I huffed and gave him a look. A look that said 'I will kill you if you even breathe right now.'
But Felix just smirked at me and continued. "His right hand man, if you will. When I'm done, Pan won't care about you anymore. You'll just be the weak, unwanted, lonely little girl that wound up on the island somehow. And no one will take you in."
I was weak. That was obvious. I was wounded and tired. Again, obvious. But Felix didn't take the warning signs. So I didn't care if I was in pain. I grabbed his cloak and pulled him closer to me.
"You're a idiot."
Felix smirked down at me. How was this not bothering him?
"And I hate you. You are annoying and if you ever speak one word like that again, I will kill you. Stay away from me!"
I shoved him away and walked back towards camp. I could only wait till he was a short distance away before I collapsed in pain.
Pan appeared from behind the trees. "Willow get up, I need to show you something."
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Was he really stupid enough to think I would be able to follow him across half the island?
He grabbed my arm and pulled me upwards. He rested my arm across his shoulder and helped me to move forward. "You need to stop picking fights with Felix."
I stayed quiet. What I really wanted to say was no, but I didn't.
We moved quickly through the forest, and at one point Pan had had enough of it. He poured a liquid on my wound and wrapped it with a cloth. The liquid felt like it burned my skin off, but I was okay. I was able to walk with him now, and we moved quicker than ever.
We finally reached a cave. One hidden deep in trees and surrounded by dreamshade thorn bushes. Dreamshade is a nasty poison that can kill you with one prick of the thorn. It takes a slow and dreadful process to your heart. I've never had any incident with dreamshade, because it was only used for the enemy. So why would it be here?
Pan lead me inside the cave. It was pitch dark and I couldn't see a thing. But he held my arm tight and practically pulled me through it all.
We eventually found ourselves in a large room. It had a small light, from a torch, and there was a chair in the middle it all. "What is this place?"
Pan gestured for me to keep quiet. He walked over to the chair. Who was in it?
"Have you finished your dinner? We need to have a little chat."
He made a motion for me to come closer. I slowly made my way towards the other side of the chair, my face blank. Who was in it?
And then I knew. I knew it all too well. The person had never returned, but I never realized what had happened. And now, I figured out the whole puzzle. And who was responsible? Pan wasn't the kidnapper. But I knew who was.
And I could faintly make out their face in the dim light, smirking. Felix.

And in the chair was...

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