Chapter 3: Willow's POV

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I crashed down onto the ground, pushing my hair out of my face. The portal had brought me to a dark jungle place, perfect. So now I'm stuck in the middle of who knows where! What was I gonna do? I couldn't go back home, and I had taken only one bean. Which means I couldn't leave this place. Wherever I was, I would find a way to survive, that was one thing I was sure of. I pushed myself off the ground, looking around me. Trees, bushes all around, plus it was dark. At least there was no one here. Hopefully.
I replayed the events of last night through my mind. How could I have not left sooner? There was no reason to stay. I still haven't figured out the answer to that question, but it doesn't matter now. Well it does but it doesn't. I shook my head, feeling the tree for another spot to place my foot. I had climbed up farther than I had intended, too busy thinking about everything that was wrong in my life. Turns out that was an unending list. But enough focusing on that, I should be focusing on how I would survive. Which means I needed the essentials: water, food, and a place to stay. There was probably some way to find all those things, but it's late, (I'm guessing, it's too dark to really tell...) and I need some sleep...
I woke up to the sound of people shouting and odd music playing. Odd, because I thought nobody else was on the island. I looked down at the tree branch I was sitting on, which was snapping from my weight. I had to get out quick before it broke. Or else I would be sent crashing onto the floor, and that would not be pretty. But I was too slow unstrapping myself from it, and it snapped. I heard a very loud scream, which made my ears ring, but I think it was me. The branch was crushing me with its weight when we hit the ground. The air was knocked out of me, and it took me a moment before I could breath again. My forehead ached, and my stomach churned. It was a long fall, and I was surprised I wasn't unconscious. But the branch was heavy and I felt too weak to push it off. My head was spinning, and I had tons of bruises. And whoever was making that creepy music probably heard and is tracking me down this very the minute. I struggled to push the branch of off me, in an urgent attempt to try and get away. But even when I was off the ground, I stumbled. For some reason my left hand felt numb, and other than the bruises and scratches I had all over me I was fine. I hesitated for a minute, groaning softly from the pain. Even if I managed to run a good distance, they would catch me. I was undefended and wounded. It was as if there was a "Take Me Now" sign on me. But I wasn't one to give up, and I kept running. Everywhere I went was the same though. There were trees and trees everywhere I looked. And I wasn't about to climb another tree to scout my surroundings. I sat down against a tree, my right hand shaking as I looked at my left hand. There was blood. Thick blood trickling down my arm. I had been cut, badly. I hadn't even noticed it, but now that I had, it stung badly. I gritted my teeth, my hand shaking as I tried to put a piece of cloth over it. It hurt even more, causing my eyes to fill with tears. I had nothing to treat it, and if I didn't stop the bleeding it would get worse. And I would not be able to handle more pain. What had I even cut it on? I had no idea. I leaned back, trying not to focus on it. So this is where I give up. This is where I let myself go, and if I drift off into unconsciousness then that will be it. They'll have me. My vision slowly turned into a blur. I had no more strength, I couldn't fight it anymore. My thoughts were scrambled, and that's when it went black.

Suddenly I was back home. But I was little again, and my mom and dad were by my side. We played and laughed, just the three of us. I wish it was like that now. The grass was a bright green, and there was not a cloud in the sky. But then the little family faded away, and I was standing before my mother again. Her shouting, me holding back my tears. But there was something different. Ingrid was behind her, maliciously waiting for Anna to draw her sword. And when she did, the room collapsed. I lurched to the side, losing my balance. There was pieces of the castle floating around everywhere, and I was sliding off. My fingers gripped till they turned white, but I couldn't hold on. My mother stood before me, perfectly balanced as she raised her sword. Then I fell, into the darkness. No. This never happened. But as I fell into the dark, my surroundings changed yet again. I was at the edge of the forest, and the children were playing happily. Then a bright light flashed, and they were dead. All of them. No. They have to live. I didn't mean to kill them! I gasped for air, panicking at what I had just seen. I stumbled as I backed into something hard, and my body shook as I turned to see what it was. "THOSE ARE MY CHILDREN! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I was taken back, as he raised his axe, and then all was a blur.
Now I was somewhere else, somewhere I'd never been before. Standing next to me was a girl, with blonde hair like me. But something about her was different. She wore a confident smile, and her eyes were a striking blue. I had never seen this person before, so why is she here. In front of me was Ingrid, by a sign. It was green, and read "Leaving Storybrooke." What was happening? The girl to my left spoke, but i could only hear bits and pieces. "you have caused... much trouble. Leave Storybrooke.... now!" Ingrid just smiled, speaking in her normal tone, "Sabrina..." Sabrina. So that was the girl's name. Sabrina shot ice at Ingrid, freezing her hands together. I stood frozen in shock, as Sabrina pushed Ingrid across the orange line across the floor.
I jumped up, my heart beating fast. I scrambled around, expecting to see the children or my mother or Ingrid. But nothing. Sabrina stayed in my mind. I smoothed over my hair, trying to regain my sanity. Then there was a rustle by the trees in front of me, and my whole body began to tremble. A boy walked out from behind a tree, looking as confident and stuck up as a peacock. He looked about seventeen, and his green eyes narrowed at me as he paced back in forth.
I suddenly wasn't as scared anymore. His arrogance seemed to take the bite out of his creepiness. "Can you stop?" I snapped, tired of his pacing.
He seemed surprised, stopping mid-step. But when he looked back at me it was a cold stare that sent shivers down my spine. "You, Willow, could do well by shutting up!" He hissed back.
I took a small breath, my voice trembling. "How do you know my name?..."
His smirk returned as he kneeled in front of me. He took a breath before he spoke, "I know everything about you, Willow. But you don't know me, so allow me to introduce myself. I'm Peter, Peter Pan. And you, are in Neverland."

[oooooooOooOh, another cliffhanger. How are these chapters? I'm trying to keep it full of surprises and twists and turns, so I hope you like it. Who saw Peter coming?🌚]

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