Chapter 6: Sabrina

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I am cold. Tired. Hungry. It's been about a month maybe, since I was captured by the queen. Time is weird in Wonderland, although, and I could be very wrong. I don't have anything to do in my cage. Just sit and wonder when I will ever be set free. Or I stare at the drawing of that girl, Willow. I have lost hope of ever getting out of here and finding her. I don't think it's possible. The Queen of Hearts is ruthless and shows no mercy. Unless I broke out somehow, I wouldn't be leaving her anytime soon. And believe me I've tried to get out. I stole the key from the guard, but I was knocked out before I even got out of the cell corridors. I tried faking a death but I almost ended up being burned in the Queen's trash pile. I also tried to bribe the guards into letting me go. Even though i have absolutely no money. So, now, I've given up. Because I doubt I will ever get out of here on my own. It was going to be dark soon, and then the guards would bring me food. Cold, dry, tasteless food. Yummy.... Everyone else seems to just eat it with no problem, but I sometimes would rather starve. Everyone is given some fried mushroom. The magic usually wears off the mushroom when it's burned. And they burn it alright, so much it practically turns to ash in my mouth! I looked to my right, but the cage beside me was empty. There was this strange man inside the other one, but I had no idea who he was. He fights though, and maybe once or twice actually made it out of the castle. Nobody gets farther than the castle gardens. And I plan to be the first. I just need a plan of some sort, and once it's the perfect timing I'll run like I've never run before. I'll fight and I'll scream until I've made it into the woods.
I had many plans. I even kept a list of them on my palm. The guards would give us stuff to write with because we had nothing else to do. Except scream at them and they'd rather break the rules than hear us yelling. So far I had:
Bribe the Guards [X]
Break the Cage Door [X]
Fake Death [X!]
Run. Just run [X]
Get the Guards to give me fresh mushrooms to grow tiny [?]
Punch the Queen and make a run for it [X!!!!]
Carve a hole in my cage [???]
And that was it. The only plan I thought would work is the "grow tiny" plan. And that would be complicated. Because the mushroom wears off, of course. I would make it out of here. Hopefully. At some point I will.
The guard came in with my food. He shoved it inside and looked at me expectantly. He's actually not that bad of a guy. He doesn't slap me like the other guards do.
I took a bite and nodded, fake smiling bright. He nodded and started to turn, but I jumped up. "wait!!! Please. Can I have some plain mushroom? Fresh and not cooked? This stuff taste like poison."
His eyes lit up. I'm pretty sure he agrees with me about the food. But then another guard turned and came over. "What did you say?" He growled.
"I just asked if I could have-"
He reached inside my cage and slapped me. My hand immediately went to my cheek. "Never. Ever be so foolish to ask that again. Or your punishment will be much worse."
He turned and pulled the other guard along as well. I rubbed my cheek, tears forming in my eyes. Not because of the pain. But because of one simple word. Never.

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