Chapter 15: Henry's POV

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I stood by the fire. My hands were tied with ropes, but my imagination could not be contained. Tamara and Greg may see me as just a little kid, but I could easily escape. I just had to figure out how.
"Hello..." Came a voice from behind the trees. Tamara and Greg jumped up, their eyes wide. A group of teenagers emerged from the darkness. They had cuts and bruises, scars and even weapons, which they handled lightly. In front was a tall blonde boy, with a smirk on his face.
"Who are you?" Greg asked.
The boy in the front replied easily. "We are your home office. The ones you work for. Now the boy." He nodded his head at me. "Hand him over."
Greg stood in front of me. "No. Not until you tell us the plan. The plan of getting home, we are not giving anything-"
Suddenly there were screams. Greg's screams. I tried to see what was happening, but my vision was blurred. I realized my eyes were filled with tears. I shook them away as Tamara yelled for me to run. Greg was lying on the floor. Dead. I took off running into the forest, trying to wiggle out of my bonds. I wanted to scream, but I knew it wouldn't help my situation. Suddenly I tripped. Then someone grabbed me and dragged me under a bush, their hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream. I tried to wiggle and escape but it didn't work. I had to survive this, I couldn't die.
I was pulled up and untied. By a boy. He looked about 19 years old, yet I knew he was probably a Lost Boy. He was wearing this weird coat, but he was covered in dirt. Gross.
There was a girl, kneeling behind the boy. She was not as gruesome looking as the boy, but she still looked like she had been on the island for some time. Her face had this pained expression, which she seemed to try and hide. She didn't look too happy, but she didn't look angry either. The boy looked at her with soft eyes, than turned back to me."We have to run. They'll come for you."
I shook his hand off my shoulder. "No. You're not with me, you're a lost boy, you work for Pan!"
He shook his head, "I was, but not anymore. We have to go!"
I jumped up and so did they. "I know a way out of here. But it might be too far. The Echo Caves. They can't track us there."
An arrow shot past us, barely missing the girl. The boy grabbed her hand and pulled her forward. "Let's go then!"

We were running and running and running. It was very tiring. We finally took a turn close to the Caves, according to what the boy said. The girl mostly stayed by his side, but he still held her hand. It felt awkward for me, but I don't know exactly. She seemed to be his right hand person. Especially when it happened.
"Can- we- stop- here...please."
The boy looked at me and nodded his head. I sat down on a rock and huffed. The girl whispered something to him, that I couldn't understand. He nodded his head and sighed.
"Okay so why does Pan want you two? What did you do?"
The girl sat down on the floor. He didn't seem to notice her as he told me.
He pulled a small tube out from under his cloak. It was filled with...
"Pixie dust. I stole it from him, because I thought I could use it, but it's useless. It doesn't work." He sighed.
I looked at the girl, who had started tearing apart a leaf. "And what about her? Why is she here with us?"
The girl immediately dropped the leaf. The boy seemed to be slightly out of words as the girl stood. Her voice was different. She had this odd tone in her voice, that showed signs of happiness. But it was mostly buried under the sharp tone. "He's my brother. Anything he does, I do with him. We should keep moving, the Lost Boys will be here any minute."
An arrow flew between the pair. The boy grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Come on!!!"
The girl had no trouble running at the same pace as her brother. Whereas I was practically tripping over my own two feet.
The Lost Boys shouts could be heard a small distance behind us. "they're too close! We have to go another way!"
I suddenly took control. I grabbed the boy's hand and pulled him. I knew the girl would follow, and she did. The shouts got louder and louder, but I knew what to do. I took an awkward turn towards the side, away from the caves.
"Where are we going?" The girl yelled.
I kept running, until I almost died. The cliff, it came out of nowhere. I didn't see it. I was lucky the boy grabbed me and pulled me to the side.
"Great. Now what are we going to do?!" The girl ran her hands through her hair. I had a plan. I knew what to do. It was risky, but it was the only idea I had. I yanked the cord from around his neck, the one that was holding the pixie dust. "What are you doing?! I told you, the dust doesn't work!"
"It doesn't work because you don't believe. Neverland is a place where you need to believe."
The boy shook his head. "I definitely do not believe!"
"Look, give it back you're going to kill us!" The girl was holding tight to the boy's hand, but she looked ready to grab the tube.
I opened the cap and poured it evenly on all of us. Then I pulled them off the edge. I didn't stop believing for one moment.
And the risk I took, it could have killed us all. But it didn't. We were flying. And it wasn't scary. It wasn't terrible. It was breathtaking. The wind blowing our hair out of our face. It was amazing. The water below us. The sky above. The siblings' faces shown from the light of the stars. Even the Lost Boys, who had made it to the cliff and we're currently screaming in anger, seemed funny now.

What felt like hours later, we descended down through a hole in the trees. The landing was slightly hurtful, since we all crashed down, but it didn't matter. I was still in awe.
The boy stood up, suddenly standing taller. His facial expression, changed. It was different. And so was hers. They both looked cruel, and tired. And not at all friendly.
"That was very interesting Henry." He smirked and walked over to a large tree. He knocked on it three times.
Suddenly it clicked on my mind. "Wait. I never said my name was Henry.... Who are you? You work for Pan don't you!?"
"Not exactly." The Lost Boys appeared. From behind trees, bushes, and other things. The boy stood in front of me and smirked down at me. "I am Peter Pan." He said each word with confidence. I took a step back, falling over. "And who's she?!"
The girl took a step closer to Pan. She obviously wasn't his sister. Now I realized. They look nothing alike. She was the only girl around. She was probably the only girl on the island. Her eyes were the color of hazel, but they sparkled with a type of playfulness that she didn't show before. They had lied to me.
"I'm not his sister. My name- My name is Willow."

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