Chapter 16: Willow's POV

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That Henry boy was easy to trick. It was crazy how easy it was to trap him. Pan says that it's only a matter of time before his plan has begun, but I doubt the boy will cooperate. He needs someone to force him.
Henry frowned and turned his back to me. "No. My parents are coming. Both of my mothers are coming to save me!"
I scowled and stormed off, before adding in one more thing. "You're impossible!"
Felix gave me this look. I walked over to him. "You need to be nice to the boy... He won't trust you if you yell."
I crossed my arms and looked over at Henry. "But he doesn't listen! He's annoying and he's the youngest kid here! I don't get why he's so perfect for Peter's plan, Henry doesn't seem like the right material."
I am the only one who is allowed to call Pan by the name Peter. Felix hates that about me. The fact that I'm Pan's right hand person and he's not. I'm the one he comes to for plans now and not him. Felix is still involved, but, he's kind of tossed to the side. But he's the least stubborn of all the Lost Boys, and so I prefer him over the others. Felix always believes in Pan, and don't get me wrong, I do too, but, sometimes Pan goes a little too far with the evil stuff. And being raised in Arendelle meant that I didn't always agree with it. So we clashed sometimes. But overall, we were a great team.
Felix glanced at me. "You were similar to him when you first got here." I glared at him. "Ha ha."
"But you've changed. And you're tolerable now..."
He walked away, a smirk on his face. He always carried his club with him.
I sat down on a log next to the fire and stared at the flames. He was right. I have changed ever since the first time I arrived on the island. I don't like mentioning my past to anyone, but it has affected me in many different ways.
Pan came out of behind some trees and sat next to me. I was carving into a stick with my dagger. He examined my slow movements as I carefully cut into the branch for a moment.
I scraped the rest of the twig away and threw it into the fire. "What?" I said plainly.
"Henry is important. You know that. So just try to make him trust you. You know what will happen if he doesn't believe us."
I glanced up at the boy. He was sitting alone, his back turned toward us. A Lost Boy tried to talk to him, but Henry just stayed quiet.
I looked back down at the fire. I knew exactly what would happen. And the truth was hard to bear. And Pan knew that, which is why he needs me to help him. I looked up at him. He was staring down into the flames. His deep green eyes reflected the light of the fire. And his face. His face was set in a frown, but not an unhappy frown. A weary frown. He looked up and saw me gazing at him. Our eyes met, and I began to slowly lean in, when the sound of a twig snapping pulled us apart. Henry was snapping twigs and throwing them as far as he could. I blinked away my thoughts.
Pan stood up and put a hand on my shoulder. "Just try to get along with him...."
He walked over to Henry. I turned away and looked at the fire. Something was going to happen. I didn't know exactly what that something was, but I knew it would change things around here.

I was deep in thought when something clanked on the back of my head. I glanced behind me, annoyed at once. "Felix stop messing with me. I'm not in the mood."
This time it hit my neck. "OW! Felix quit it!"
I squinted into the darkness of the forest. It whooshed forward, too quick for me to dodge. It banged into my forehead, and I doubled over. "FELIX!"
I finally stood up and marched towards the trees. "Felix come out right now so I can punch your sorry butt." There was no sign of him though. Felix usually comes out after pranking me. Why isn't he this time?
"Felix, seriously I don't feel like searching for you right nowww..."
Another hard something hit my foot. I picked it up. It was just some normal pebble, but there was something weird about it. It had ice all over it. And it was fresh, slowly melting in my hand.
I started to run. Forward, not backwards. I wasn't scared.
Another pebble went flying past me. It seemed to be coming from above.... But there was only trees above.
I started to climb the tree. It was easy, since I've climbed trees for almost all my life. The person had to be somewhere around here. There was a faint blue glow ahead, only a few trees from mine. I climbed over a branch and inched closer and closer towards the strange light.
The branch I was crawling on tilted downward, cracking slightly. And even one slight crack could lead to my death. I reached for the next branch, slowly, ever second feeling like a million.
Then I grabbed hold of it and swung over the side to a firmer branch, while my old branch tumbled to the ground. Moments later I was at the tree. The light was just in front of me. My hand reached for the next part of the branch, when it cracked, and I tumbled down.

I grabbed hold of the closest branch and clung for dear life. It was small and wouldn't support my weight for long, but I was too far up and the next branch wasn't close enough. It began to snap, when the light appeared above me.
I looked up, still holding on, to see a faint face. A girl, noticeably because her hair was falling around her face. She was making the light with ice, ice magic from her hand. Her facial expression changed when she saw me. "Here, I'll pull you up! My name is Sabrina! Don't worry I'm going to help you!"

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