Chapter 4: Sabrina's POV

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The cart rattled around, tossing me from side to side. My tears had dried and I was fine now, but my heart was still pounding. What if I was killed immediately? I had had so many thoughts for the future, and the chance of me making it out alive was very slim. Which means I break out now, or I face the queen. I crawled to the front of the cage, looking outside. The guards were mostly at the front on their horses, and it was just a long yellow path with trees all around. No where really to hide, the trees were too far apart. But if I was able to climb one and wait for them to leave me behind, I could actually get away. I rubbed my hand against one of the bars. It was rusty and probably wouldn't be hard to get out of. I pulled out a small pin I had in my pocket, and fit it to the lock. Moments later the door swung open, freedom just a step away. I cautiously looked around the cart to see if I had dropped anything, but I only saw a piece of paper. It looked old and crumbled, but it looked interesting. So I grabbed it and leaped, ready for anything. I crashed into the ground, but picked myself up quickly and started running. There was a small batch of trees nearby that were close enough to hide in, if I could just get there. My eyes grew wider ever second, the wind blowing my hair out of my face. And to think, I had been so scared I cried! Nothing could stop me now!
I took a turn around a tree, taking a quick glance side to side. I pulled the paper out of my pocket, expecting for it to be blank. It wasn't. Instead, it was a drawing. A very detailed drawing of a girl, my age. It wasn't colored in, but you could tell, she had blonde hair and her face... It looked sad. I raised an eyebrow and looked at it again, confused. I'd never seen this girl in Wonderland, ever. I flipped over the page, and saw another unusual thing. It had writing in it, very small and very hard to read. I narrowed me eyes, trying to figure out what it said. "V-i... No W-I-L-L-C-V?" I shook my head. That was obviously wrong. "W-I-L-L-O-W. Willow!" That name meant nothing to me though. I carefully folded the paper up and put it gently in my pocket. I would examine it later. I had completely forgotten about the guards and I was probably in great danger. I turned and looked around from behind the tree. Nothing. The cart was gone. I shrugged and turned back around. All I saw was grey clothes and I heard a giant smack. Then, all was dark.

Slowly, the darkness faded away, and I found myself somewhere old and dirty. It was a cell. Immediately after I realized that, I jumped up and started banging on the bars. "LET ME OUT! I NEVER DID ANYTHING! LET ME GO!" I panicked, not even really thinking about what I was doing. I threw things, and I banged on the walls. I threw myself against the bars that made a window, hoping to break them. I pounded my fists on my makeshift bed, I stomped my feet and shouted insults. But there was no response except the stares of the watchful guards. I ran my hands through my hair anxiously, breathing hard. Finally, after about an hour, I gave up, and sunk to the floor. I wanted to collapse, to cry, to scream, and say how unfair this all was. But they would never listen. For someone named the Queen of Hearts, that lady didn't seem to have one of her own. Sobbing uncontrollably, I pulled out the paper again. As soon as I saw the girl's face, I suddenly felt stronger. I wiped off my tears. I had to figure out who she was. Maybe she had clues to my parents! Now I was just being crazy. She probably has no idea who I am.
"Hey, kid! The Queen will see you now." A guard snarled as he unlocked my cell door. I looked up at him, no longer sad. My eyes were swollen with tears, but the grimace on my face made me look furious, not scared. I stood up, slowly walking over. He grabbed my arm and dragged me out, irritated with how long I was taking. I immediately started screaming, since the sudden jolt made me drop the drawing. I tried to scramble free, but he was too strong. I started to lose my courage, slowly as I watched the drawing sit on the floor of my cage. Farther and farther away from me. "Hey! Let me go get my paper! You could at least show me some kindness!" I shouted, but he only looked disgusted. "Kindness? And did you show those children in the cabin kindness when you froze them??!!! Yes, I know about that! You should be ashamed of yourself." I froze, my stomach churning. Again, they are accusing me of something I never did. And that just brought me to anger, and before he could stop me, I shoved my elbow into his neck. This time I wouldn't stop. I took off running down the corridors, back towards my cell to retrieve the drawing. But I took a wrong turn and I slid off balance, right out the window. Everything was in slow motion, as I threw my arm over the edge of the window. I yelped, my finger slowly slipping. If i timed it right, there was a possibility I could jump onto the roof on the side of me. And I did, but much less heroic than I had imagined it. I slammed down hard onto it, my whole body aching. Thank you Queen, for building such a big castle that I could survive. I scrambled up, and an arrow was shot. Everything was happening so quickly. Archers were aiming at me from the window and the roof was tilting downwards. Or was that just me losing consciousness again? I stumbled to climb down, but I made it. And I rushed to the gardens. I was gonna do it. I almost tripped, realizing something. I had gone back to get the drawing and I had completely forgotten it. I needed to find out who that girl was. That's when the guards appeared at the entrance of the garden, and the archers were already behind me. No. This could not be happening. They had caught me. One grabbed hold of me, and even though I fought back, they dragged me back inside the castle.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" The Queen questioned. She was reclining on a comfortable looking red chair, with an ice cold drink. I felt like dropping down dead right now, because my whole body was numb.
"I'm innocent, I never did anything to deserve this treatment!"
She smirked, "And if you were innocent, why did you try to escape? Twice. Once in th-"
I interrupted her, "Because that's just what you do! You try to get away!"
She looked at me with a stare as scary as a viper. "Do not interrupt your queen." She stood up and looked down upon me. "You tried to escape in the forest and here. And both were a failure. Now that is still a crime. If you were as innocent as you say, you could have just stayed. But sadly, you did not. I shall not cut off your head, but you will stay here. A prisoner. To think about this." I lost my breath as she flicked her hands, and the guards dragged me away. I still managed to get myself stuck here. They took me somewhere dark. I couldn't really see where we were going. Suddenly they grabbed me as I swung off the edge, a bottomless pit below. "HELP!" They grabbed me and shoved me inside a cage. And just as I suspected, it was over the pit. I wouldn't be able to escape unless I could jump 20 feet back onto the ground. But I would stay calm and smirk in the face of danger. I wouldn't let them see me weak. No matter what.

[how was this guys? I added more than 1000 words here, because it was so interesting! :) how long do you think the Queen will keep her prisoner? Oh and in this story Wonderland is going to be like Neverland, we're time stands still. Because this story wouldn't make any sense if it didn't XD]

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