Chapter 5: Willow's POV

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I felt like screaming. Pan was so annoying. Everything he said was "Blah blah blah, me me me." Like maybe you could try not being self centered for a change? I was following behind him as slow as possible, avoiding conversation at all costs. Because if I talked to him, I would just probably get even more angry. Plus, I'm a very trustful person. I open myself up quickly, and that's a big problem. The quicker you open yourself up, the quicker you get hurt. And I've gone through so much in just one day, I don't think I could handle more pain.
Pan grabbed my arm and tugged me. Oh great. More pain. I snapped out of my thoughts and glared at him. "What?" I said, snatching my arm back away from him.
He grabbed it back and practically dragged me forward. I tried digging my feet in the dirt but that didn't work. He was too strong. "Hey! I can walk by myself leave me alone!!" He simply dragged me over some sharp sticks, which he could have avoided. Obviously he's just another person that hates me. I had the mischievous thought on biting him, but that would only result in him treating me even worse than he was now. Suddenly he dropped me and crossed his arms. I didn't feel like moving, but I pushed myself up anyways. Immediately I winced in pain. "Ow..." Pan took my arm and, before I could pull it away quick, used magic to make the cuts vanish. He then walked away and ignored me. Now me, when I get curious, I ask tons of questions. My will to resist my curiosity is small. I usually just let my curiosity take over. That's what happened now. I surrounded Pan with questions, and he just kept walking, ignoring everything i said. Finally he raised his eyebrow as I came upon my last question. "Can I do that with my magic too?!!"
"What magic?"
My hands started shaking. "Nothing. I'm saying if I had magic I would want to do that... Which I don't..." I bit my lip and tried an awkward smile. My sudden happiness towards him probably gave it all away. Plus he seemed to know a lot about me, so he's probably just toying with me.
He raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Oh yes. You're light magic. Still not completely controlled."
He took a step closer to me and put his face next to me. I so wanted to move away, but I just stood there anyways and bit my lip. "Only when you get angry, does it take over. I know about those children Willow."
My whole body started to shake. I wasn't ready to think about that. All the pain, the sorrow I had caused the families of those children. I felt so guilty. And knowing, just knowing, that there was no way to fix what I had done made it worse. I had left everything, and even if I wanted to go back, I couldn't. I had no way. Then I had an idea. "Do you have any way to make a portal?"
Pan stopped in his tracks, and turned to me. He had that same evil look on his face. "You're not going anywhere, love. You're going to stay here, on this island. Forever."
My heart was beating fast and I felt like I was going to puke. But I stood there, stone faced. "And why should I? I have another bean."
He smirked, putting his face right next to me. I felt so uncomfortable. "You and I both know that's a lie."
He took a step back and started pacing in front of me. "Willow, we're all like you. We've been neglected, forgotten, ignored." He put an emphasis on ignored, knowing it applied to me. How does he even know all of this stuff? "You could live here, happy with the rest of us. No longer forgotten." He sounded so convincing. And suddenly I had a small urge to stay. "After the way you treated me? That's not going to happen."
He continued, "i could teach you to control your magic. Teach you how to use it."
And then my thoughts completely changed. I didn't say no, but I didn't say yes. I knew I should stay here; I belonged here. And he knew that. I couldn't help giving in, and even though I tried so hard to hate him, I could tell he would grow on me. I slowly nodded my head, hoping he would understand. I couldn't speak, it would make this seem too realistic. Was I really going to live here? Was I going to be like him? No turning back now.
Pan did some type of poof thing, and suddenly we were at a camp. There were boys everywhere, dancing and talking and laughing. It all looked fun. But then Pan called them, and pulled me in front of them. "Today, we have someone new. The very first Lost Girl!" He gestured to me as they all cheered. I felt strange. Comfortable, happy even.
But if I was able to learn magic here, I wouldn't have to worry about hurting someone, ever again.

[i know this chapter isn't filled with as much excitement as the last few chapters, but it will get there soon!]

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